
CEB Automation

The next phase of CEB development is automation, and October is the month to do it. We’ll be publishing video of the manual CEB II in action with Soil Pulverizer and Slurry Mixer in operation – within a week. We will try this with stack-as-you go on a sample shed structure. Our experiment will involve building a 12×12 structure in one day.

Last year we’ve shown proof of principle of very ineffective CEB production and building. The 12×12 shed aims to be proof of principle of very effective CEB production and building.

The next step is automation, which we will add to the CEB II prototype, so we can compare performance improvement from the manual CEB II. We plan on Prototype III by end of October, with Product Release by Nov. 1. This will be a historic day for Factor e Farm.

There are some practical questions on CEB automation. The present scheme involves Arduino, and limit switches. We are planning on using the Arduino microcontroller, with solenoid valves and a limit switch shown on the wiki development page. Comments are welcome. Next is a state diagram for programming the Arduino logic, and mounting the limit switches accordingly. This is a puzzle right now, which we’ll test in practice in the next weeks. I expect lots of adjustments to: (1), get the limit switches mounted properly; (2), get the logic programmed, and (3), test the controller in field conditions. Every day has something new, at Factor e Farm.

1 Comment

  1. […] last remaining step of our open source CEB Press Prototype II development is installation of automatic controls. This means that instead of a person actuating the hydraulic cylinders in the proper sequence as […]