John Fraser Beckley

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Name:John Fraser Beckley aka alternative/spiritual/transcendant ID=Jason OZ Janus [since 1968]

Contact Information: - phone, Skype, email, webpage, blog, other ; ; [cache page only at this time] OR visit me on-board in the Coconut Grove Free Anchorage [FL 5529 HF]

Contributions relevant to project: - any related education, skills, experiences, resources that may contribute to moving the project forward. Early years gardening; selected by NASA recruiters as volunteer for their "biometric" R&D [=where I learned to control biofeedback VDTscreens in 1954]; Peace Corps/Philippines GroupVII[1962-64 where life-changing village encounters and early organic crop production & electricity generating experiments were conducted with elem. school students; Beloit College(WI)- Civil Rights activities: wrote grant applications for "Headstart" program & supervised innovative education "PROJECT:VISION" in ten AL cities; went to OAXACA, MEXICO on a NSF Grant/Beloit College Project to introduce solar cooking in order to reduce loss of tree cover & soils in Teotitlan del Valle & conducted personal interest study of elem. school in San Bartolo Coyotepec; returned to Chicago forming a live/work collaborative/communal setting that turned into Naturalism, Inc.=24/7/365 five years drug rescue/crisis service and divinity training/rehab; started/organized/coordinated problem-solving ORGS or Corps from 1971: UPFRONT INC. "How much do you know about what you put into your body?"; A.D.E.P.T.S.= Assn. of Dynamic Environmental Perception Training & Sciences "Study of the Obvious & Subtle Energies"; worked with Philip Hiss of "Golden Flower" to harvest and deliver the first four shipments of commercial organic produce from Florida; worked directly with organic marketing pioneers: STARR ORGANICS INC & GLASER FARMS; went to Suriname in 1977 after being invited to set-up an orchard/garden therapy program by the current U.N. Liason in Paramaribo[as a result, met and agreed to proposal w/ Headman of Tribal River Nation to solve food storage problems in exchange for 1000 hectares to build EcoVillage/Spaceport.... ]That started a process of discovery finding appropriate ecological technology mobile enough to stand alone sustainably. So far I have the land stewardship for food preservation technology exchange set up; also, a village design "floor plan", natural resource-low-cost materials engineering connection for a free tech transfer,and a nutrient-dense food production plan and years of self-correcting exercises/refining process Accomplishments:' Any visible achievements or accomplishments that demonstrate your abilities along the lines of the work here. Developed wholistic [Maslow hierarchical needs-guided]EcoVillage Plan [concentric-community pavillion centered garden grove radial pathways medicine wheel sectored 16-habitat-places each with multimachine fab lab & communal residence & pie-portioned garden-grove projected to be placed in the pristine eco-zone of Tumucumuque highlands near the indigenous Park. Been to Suriname, met the Headman of Tribal River Nation, a sovereign, autonomous people and anticipate delivering what is needed for a completed Global Village Construction Set... Present engagements and actions. are you currently engaged in on a day-to-day level

Meeting with family members of a Nicaraguan "landed estate" social enterprise effort serving battered women & displaced natives to accomplish Green Project Development.

Networks: Social networks, groups, clubs, organizations, or other leaders that you have access to

int'l permaculture listserv; local organic producers; (met with principle: Joseph Davidovitz during his lecture series at Barry Univ, Miami FL); ACCESS is a key word that is limited by lack of laptop or OLPC-type of device that could be remedied by for ex. because I have worked with many in the past that could be accessed now given this Open Source Ecology effort...

Level of Commitment to the Good Work: This question helps us assess what you are capable of in terms of practical commitment levels and depth of involvement. Are you doing full time organizational/progressive/open source/other work for a living, or is it a part time diversion from working another, unrelated full-time job?

Officially in retirement mode financially living off S.S.A. award benefits; Global Village construction has been an aspiration hanging onto the pragmatic baseline technology exchange for habitable land[1000 hectares for food preservation tech]made years ago between Headman of the Tribal River Nation in Suriname and the conceptual org= Mother Earth Life Sanctuary And Temples Of Spiritual Awakening Organizing/coordinating advancements & human evolution are ongoing, everyday activities for me

Livelihood goals: - What would you like to see yourself working in/making a living on a long-term basis? Is that what you're doing now?

It's what I'm doing now; the model is: foodtech in exchange for materials engineering, multimachine, human needs-filling "prosumer" production facilities

Your interests in open product/infrastructure development: What in particular interests you in open development?

Everything for Everybody is a longtime commitment dating from "Everything Under One Roof" project first proposed in Wash. D.C. back in 1970

Which of the projects are you interested in? - select CEB, Solar Turbine, Agriculture, etc., or all, of the main projects listed at Overview


Are you interested in living in a startup, land-based Global Village as being discussed here?


How did you find out about us?

Probably from entries on the permaculture listserv

Are there any other things you'd like to say?

Yes - asap will send documents or resource referrences since library just installed a scanner!  But later!

Pls guide me to a more interactive mode of communication e.g. blog or "Zone"