OSE Hangout

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Jitsi Meeting

On May 22, 2017 - we are switching to the open source Jitsi Meet for our web conferencing. It can handle more than 10 people.


Google Hangout

OSE Google Hagout - https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/event/cfvdskolaipjgki95aoufjf3l50?authuser=0&hl=en

Short code - http://bit.ly/292RjPA

OSE Hangout is a Google Hangout that is used for many of the OSE's meetings. Note that we typically record meetings to enhance collaboration by sharing the meeting with our globally-distributed team.

The address is: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/event/cfvdskolaipjgki95aoufjf3l50?authuser=0&hl=en

Google Hangout on Air

The nice thing about a Google Hangout on Air is that it is recorded automatically on YouTube - so you don't have to worry about the recording toolchain. The recording toolchain for Ubuntu is to use RecordMyDesktop -> select the screen area to capture -> begin recording -> stop recording -> upload to YouTube. In the Hangouts on Air option - the hangout is recorded and placed on your YouTube Channel automatically, which is very convenient.

To access Hangout on Air for auto recording - go to your YouTube Channel -> Video Manager -> Live Streaming -> Events:


From there, Create New Event.
