Website 2014 - Become a True Fan

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We kicked off the 1000 True Fans funding campaign in 2009 - [1] - soon after we built the first prototypes of the brick press and tractor. This was a time when we operated on no budget - and put all resources into critical machines. in order to continue our work and do it full time, we asked people to support us for 24 months at $10 per month. That is how the True Fans program began. ach True Fanship continued over 24 months makes a significant impact on the project: such as ability to buy over 200lbs of steel for our machines, or other materials for our projects. We have ALSO added donation amounts up to $100 per month. All the True Fans funds go to prototyping - and your support allows us to operate at a basic level even when there are no other resources. The numbers of active True Fanships are:


See how you can Get Involved (link) in our Development Process (link), and if you do not have time but would like to offer financial support - the True Fans program is for you.

If you subscribe as a True Fan, you get these perks:

  • 25% off our 3 Day Workshops
  • Free admission to our prototyping days at Factor e Farm, which are typically on Fridays throughout the summer
  • Invitation to the True Fans Hanguout - a monthly hangout with the founder, for True Fans only, where we discuss the latest developments and insights

Subscribe here: (signup)

(note: add the numbers detail up to 100 from blog - [2], and details of growth to 300 - [3])