Open Source Ecology Blog

First Installment – OSEmail

We have begun writing a biweekly newsletter. While the blog posts tend to cover specific topics in depth, our newsletter aims to paint a broader update about our projects, partnerships, and other news about happenings at Factor e Farm in collaboration...

Global Village Construction Set – 66 Prototypes Built to Date

Factor e Farm has been building Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) machines since 2008. That year, I announced the Global Village Construction Set concept for the first time in a presentation at the U. Missouri, Columbia. As of today, at least 62...

Collaborative Production Run Video – The Liberator – Prototype IV

In the last blog post – we summarized the Collaborative Production Run results for The Liberator – our open source, automated, Compressed Earth Brick Press. Here is a video. CEB Production Run. from Open Source Ecology on Vimeo. We are planning...

Collaborative Production Results

We have demonstrated initial results of open source, social production applied to hardware. It took us 4 days to produce a complete Compressed Earth Block (CEB) Press in a Collaborative Production Run. A  mixture of 7 unskilled and skilled people swarmed...

More Machines – Open Source Keyline Plow

“The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.” -Masanobu Fukuoka, The One-Straw Revolution Open Source Keyline Plow from Open Source Ecology on Vimeo. Open Source Ecology attracted me...

The Liberator – CEB Press Prototype IV – Design Complete

We’re pleased to announce design completion of Prototype IV of the Compressed Earth Brick (CEB) Press.  The machine has come a long way since Prototype I. The main changes since Prototype III – part of our Christmas Gift to the World of...

The LifeTrac Story

Here is a historical perspective on LifeTrac since September 2008 – the completion of LifeTrac Prototype I. The LifeTrac Story from Open Source Ecology on Vimeo. Right now we are using the LifeTrac to trench water lines for Factor e Farm. LifeTrac...


I just got back from the SupporTED Collaboratorium. This is what it’s about: . It was my honor and privilege to attend as one of 9 TED Fellows, a peak moment. This is my debrief at minute 13:15 of this clip: . My transformation? A reminder that...

History in the Making: First Independent Replication of Open Source Tractor

Daniel and Hayden, recent graduates of the Polytechnic High School in Pasadena, CA, along with their engineering class and several students from nearby Blair High School, recently completed a build of the LifeTrac III (current version is Prototype IV). They...

Open Source Dimensional Sawmill – First Test Run

We have built and run the Open Source Ecology Dimensional Sawmill for the first time. The Dimensional Sawmill allows you to turn logs into dimensional lumber. There are several other types of sawmills, such as the standard circular sawmill, chainsaw...