6-in-60 Machine Builds Under Way
With the machine builds of the 6 in 60 campaign now in full swing, exciting work at OSE continues. Days start at 9:00 a.m. and end at midnight, but Product Lead Gary DeMercurio reports, “Everyone has been churning out tasks with great attitudes....
Video Documentation as It’s Never Been Done Before: An Invitation
Rob Kirk here. I’m Open Source Ecology’s documentation manager, and I’d like to fill you in regarding our innovative, collaborative approach to creating documentation. More than that, I’d like to invite you to consider becoming...
All Aboard! The 6 in 60 Campaign Continues
Let’s kick off this Tuesday update with a quick word from Marcin, OSE’s Executive Director: As our Operations Manager Katie Whitman joins us officially this week, we are excited to say that OSE 2.0’s core staff is now all on board, even as the 6...
Open Source Hardware Documentation Jam: A Report
Open Source Hardware documentation isn’t just about creating a set of assembly instructions that anyone can follow, so that they can build, for example, a LifeTrac tractor. It’s about accelerating innovation to solve problems more effectively and...
6 in 60 Update
This is my first blog post as OSE’s new Product Lead – and I’d like to report that we are busy making progress. Our five Dedicated Project Visitors (DPVs) have just arrived a little over a week ago and have been put into the deep end...
White House Honors Crowdfunding Champs
Yesterday, June 4, 2013 – in Washington, DC, the White House honored twelve Crowdfunding “Champions of Change.” We are excited to share with you that one of those recognized was Open Source Ecology’s founder, Marcin Jakubowski. See a video...
Declare Your OSE Wish
Hello Open Source Ecology Fans and Friends. I will be presenting this week at the Glimpses Conference on human potential. Here is my Glimpses Presentation in Prezi plus script. In my presentation, I will give a few examples of what people hope to do...
6 Years’ Spring Cleaning at Factor e Farm
Open Source Ecology is entering a new era – scaling up and laying foundations for major growth in the coming years. After 6 years of starting from raw land – and hosting countless visitors, builds, and prototyping sessions – Factor e...
OSE Design Sprints Spur Innovation
6 in 60! How can Open Source Ecology design and build 6 new machines from the Global Village Construction Set— a microtractor, bulldozer, truck, car, backhoe, and ironworker machine—in just 60 days? Our new video shows you how! OSE’s Design...
Help Ignite The Spark on July 13!
Hi, my name is Lisa, and I am OSE’s blogging assistant. Marcin recruited me to help with the blog, and my goal is to fill in the gaps to bring to you more of the many developments that are happening at Open Source Ecology. Ian Midgley, OSE veteran...