Factor e Live – Part 3
This installment of Factor e Live focuses on LifeTrac – the open source, life-time, design-for-disassembly articulating multipurpose tractor/loader. It is the key to powering the CEB Press, permacultural operations, as well as: well-drilling, sawmilling,...
Well – Solar Turbine – LifeTrac Day 1
We have finally completed our water well-drilling adventure. Everything that could went wrong – amounting to a 2 month delay – but the bottom line is that we have a 4 inch-bore well that we estimate is giving us 1000 gallons of water per day...
Factor e Live
Change is continuous at Factor e Farm. You may have seen this post on how our place has evolved from a plain soybean field to rich diversity on many fronts. To record these changes as they happen, we have begun the Factor e Live series. These are videos,...
Solar Conversion
Factor e Farm would like to announce that we are finally in the process of converting our operations from generator-based electricity to 100% solar electric. Thanks to Ronny’s behind-the-scenes work while he was with us this winter, we recently...
Mulch Track
The farm is bustling with activity, mimicking the natural abundant growth period of spring. Moving silos, planting, mulching, building a trencher and tractor, finding and fixing an old rototiller, adopting a cat, raising ducklings, milking, watering,...
Oh Well
We have not been blogging much lately, because spring is here and we’re on the land. When spring hits, the sparks start flying with action outside. We’re building Sanctuary, aka Factor e Farm. The last week we’ve been drilling our well...
Resource Development
We had a nice adventure today to the local supermarket where we picked up 4 cardboard bales. We originally wanted them as weed-barrier mulch-rings for our trees. But now our brains have exploded with possibilites and we want more. Potential uses include:...
Cordwood Addition Complete
I always imagined that when I am going to be in my mid sixties, i’ll retire to the woods and live in a small wood shack out in nature. Well, why wait? Here is my lovely little shack: You can view more pictures and more information by clicking below.
Online presence.
Finally, our website is on. See the miracle at: FactorEFarm.org it is a constant work in progress. I hope you would enjoy it. -Ronny (MJ update 2025: original website lost, here is the update by Catarina above)