Ubuntu Booted
Yesterday, Ubuntu failed to meet our expectations as an operating system for my Mac iBook. A little research showed that indeed the airport and dimmer capacities, among other features, are rendered useless under Ubuntu. As I use these features frequently,...
Ecotechnology Buying Club
It’s time to take our open source product development to the next level. The next on the Compressed Earth Block (CEB) press prototype development is a computer controlled XYZ table for automating acetylene torch cutting of the metal. You may see...
Internetless Ice storm
We have been out of touch for over a week now; an ice storm struck and while we still had power (unlike our neighbors, who do not have off-grid power systems) our internet receiver was covered in ice. As it is located on top of a tree, also ladden...
Online presence.
Finally, our website is on. See the miracle at: FactorEFarm.org it is a constant work in progress. I hope you would enjoy it. -Ronny (MJ update 2025: original website lost, here is the update by Catarina above)