Freedom Funk
Freedom Funk became considerably more pungent this weekend after a grueling day of piling logs for the new addition. Freedom Funk is the smell of the sweat that seeps from one who is working toward personal or societal evolution. To the ordinary olfactory...
Logs and Thoughts
I have been cutting lumber for my new little house almost for two weeks now. It is hard and extremely slow. Every few days we have to change a chain or the whole chainsaw all together. Look at this picture: Isn’t it beautiful? This house is being...
Small Farms Conference
Today was another tree cutting day for me. I cut about twenty trees, and adding yesterday’s work, it may be enough. Hopefully, tomorrow we will drag the the trees into the field and then I’ll split them into logs. I think an optimistic goal...
Back to CEB
November 1 is when I have finally returned to complete the Compressed Earth Block (CEB) press. By November 30, we will have a working CEB press, spitting out between 3-5 bricks per minute. This is the holy grail of building, as the most advanced natural...
The Volunteers Experiment.
Hey, Yesterday’s post was delayed because I got a nasty food poisoning. Canned beans are sure a big no no for me. More over, I spent all yesterday on cutting woods with our chainsaw and almost cut my left leg off. I actually sliced through my black...
Logs and cookies
Howdy, We worked hard for the last to days in order to show you guys the picture above. The addition is almost complete. A half day’s work and it will shine like a diamond. It really made me reconsider my plans about my future humble hut....
The greatest construction in human history.
True enough. It took two days, without any knowledge or preparation – but we did it. Sabrina and I constructed this magnificent piece of advanced architecture that will hopefully stand through test of time and nature. Surely, future generations...