Andrew Bateman: Factor e Farm Documenter
Andrew Bateman will be joining us Monday, April 16 – as the Factor e Farm Documenter. This will help us provide more regular reporting on Open Source Ecology work happening worldwide and at Factor e Farm. . . Andrew’s work plan is shown...
LifeTrac Control Valves Instructional
Instructional video on the connection of LifeTrac valves to motors, cylinders, and Power Cubes. Stream & download at Read the transcript In order to make our videos more accessible, going forward we will be uploading to both Vimeo and...
CEB Controller Box Wiring Instructional Video
Video of CEB controller box electronic boards hookup: (See transcript at the wiki) Hi, I’m Rebecca Rojer, and I’m one week into my month-long stay at Factor e Farm for a Dedicated Project Visit in documentation. I’ll be picking up where...
LifeTrac Wheel Assembly – Instructional Video
Just completed the fourth video in the new series of instructional videos. With instructions on how to make a power cube, tractor frame, and now tractor wheel, you can be more than halfway to building your own LifeTrac.
Dedicated Documentation Project Visits
The next main phase at Factor e Farm is renewed focus on documentation. This emerged from our production run, where we learned that we could get perhaps 30-50% more accomplished if we had professional-quality fabrication drawings, detailed fabrication...
Production Run Update
Greetings from Factor e Farm. Life has been busy around here. We’re in the middle of a production run, so we’re working pretty much round the clock. What’s cool is that as we’re building things, we’re finding all these things...
4 Years of Factor e Farm
Factor e Farm, our land-based facility for Global Village Construction Set development, has now been alive for 4 years. We encountered the place as an empty soybean field abused by commercial agriculture. This video shows in 4 minutes what has happened...
Factor e Farm Documentary Forthcoming
Sean will publish his short documentary on Factor e Farm in a couple of weeks. These are some of the sights from summer 2010 as preview. OSE: Timelapse Reel from Sean Church on Vimeo.
BFI Challenge & Global Village Construction Set in 2 Minutes
Here is the short Explainer Video about the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) that we promised – pure inspiration: Global Village Construction Set in 2 Minutes from Open Source Ecology on Vimeo. The quality is amazing. Credits go to Isaiah...