Open Source Ecology

Health and the Future of Factor e

Molly and I built a hand washing station and I put together a shower Factor e Farm. This post is an analysis of the sanitation issues rooted in geography, infrastructure, and human use following Christopher Alexander’s guidelines for design analysis....

Factor E Farm Featured in Arthur Magazine Today

Check out Arthur’s coverage of our work in their daily blog.

One Raised Bed a Day Keeps the Grocery Bills Away

Here at Factor E Farm we’re trying to grow all our own food. However, it’s a daunting task to grow and process enough food to feed ourselves. That’s why we have a simple policy this spring to help us get closer to 100% food sufficient:...

What is Open Source Ecology?

Before reading this post, we invite everyone to write a message about what you feel Open Source Ecology means to you, and your ideas on how this can be communicated effectively to others. How do you feel about Open Source Ecology? Open Source Ecology’s...

A Shower at Factor E Farm

I  know I promised the True Fans group that I would work documenting Factor E in video (there will be some to come),  but I found more pressing needs on site- namely hygiene facilities.   Riding to the airport with Cat and Richard from U....

Solar Village Underground

Pretty soon we will demonstrate that we can press 3000 bricks with the CEB prototype two. We have been thinking about our village design. For some time now I was considering earth-sheltered ecotecture, such as this beauty found at

Clarifying OSE Vision

Vinay published his vision for Global Swadeshi recently – a movement where individuals take personal responsibility for global issues. Key among these issues is oppression – whether it’s the oppression of the weak or funding one’s...

Just Tools for Life Revisited

Time is a marvelous means for putting things into perspective. Your most embarrassing moment as a seven-year-old becomes the funniest story of the evening twenty years later. And likewise, those hilarious jokes at two in the morning, produce puzzled looks...

Just Tools for Life

Stan Rhodes recently sent us a couple books in the mail: “Influence: Science and Practice” by Robert Cialdini and “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath.  I quickly devoured both books as they both proved to be interesting and...

Online presence.

Finally, our website is on. See the miracle at:  it is a constant work in progress. I hope you would enjoy it. -Ronny (MJ update 2025: original website lost, here is the update by Catarina above)