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Solar Turbine

Open Source Solar Turbine Convergence

We are preparing for several guests here in mid August to build the open source solar concentrator power system. Today, Benjamin from the Solar Turbine email group sent an updated design on the solar reflector mounting: In the August convergence, we’re...

Well – Solar Turbine – LifeTrac Day 1

We have finally completed our water well-drilling adventure. Everything that could went wrong – amounting to a 2 month delay – but the bottom line is that we have a 4 inch-bore well that we estimate is giving us 1000 gallons of water per day...

On Progress

Here is an overview of our overall program of action: On the CEB Press for building – we are presently building the LifeTrac tractor – an agriculture, construction, and general utility device. This device is remarkably pedestrian in appearance...

Turbine Update

Our team is working with Dan Granett on the boundary layer turbine (see former blog entry). This will be a profound improvement over the Lister for electrical generation. It will be fired by a Babington burner with a flash steam generator. Here are simplified...