Winter Orchard Damage
This winter, we had 1-2 feet of snow, and the cover lasted for about a month. This was harsh on the orchard – because an army of rabbits thus had a 1-2 foot pedestal and could reach above the existing tree guards. There was significant damage,...
Dedicated Project Visits Continued
William Cleaver will be joining us at Factor e Farm on May 1 for a Dedicated Project Visit. He’s coming from across the big pond – from the United Kingdom – and we are planning for a 3 month stay. William is not a novice to creative...
The Value of Jerusalem Artichokes
This “weed” looks like a bumpy potato and is related to the Sunflower (the energy goes to the root more than the seeds in this case). They produce terrific amount of flatulence for most consumers. (They are composed of an indigestible...
Les Visiteurs (The Visitors)
Andrius (Minciu Sodas) and Jeff (One Village Foundation) helping Ronny and Marcin mix mud for a cordwood house. They joined us for two days of conversation, collaboration, and construction. – ——————————————————————————————————-...