Civilization Starter Kit DVD v0.01 | Open Source Ecology


Civilization Starter Kit DVD v0.01

Dear True Fans and Supporters –

We are proud to release version 0.01 of the Civilization Starter Kit DVD – our OSE Christmas Gift to the World for 2011.

While we could go on for weeks with improvements – our Publish Early and Often Policy dictates that today is the cutoff. The full DVD contents are now online, and we will author physical DVD copies by January 31, 2012. These will be part of the GVCS Kickstarter reward structure, and we will also offer these DVDs for sale as a fundraiser.
The most interesting highlights of The DVD are:
  1. Message from the Founder – The OSE Paradigm; Rollout Plan for 2012; Getting Involved in OSE; My Story
  2. Practical Post-Scarcity Video – an unscripted exposition connecting our theory to practice.
  3. OSE Enterprise Plan – a standard business plan brief – in the form of a 6 minute video.
  4. The core results are the CAD, instructionals, and complete assembly for the 4 machines, such as an 89 page A-Z instructional PDF for the CEB press. We are still working on the professional fabrication drawings.
  5. Initial construction results for 2011.
  6. Initial architecture plans for a hybrid CEB/Straw superinsulated microhouse, and more.
Still forthcoming for the DVD are:
  1. Jan. 1, 2012 – Professional fabrication drawings for CEB Press – PDF to take to your local custom fabricator.
  2. Jan. 15 – Professional fabrication drawings for Tractor. This will include the new quick connect wheels and the bent loader arms for improved weight distribution – and field testing in moving 3000 lb brick pallets and logs for forestry operations. Professional fabrication drawings for Power Cube.
  3. Jan. 5 – Completion of full architecture details for CEB/Straw Hybrid Microhouse
  4. Jan. 15 – Filling in additional information for the machines. We need primarily CAE analyses and other supporting details – listed specifically in the DVD Wanted List on the wiki. I am listing these task by task  – as bite-size chunks that lend themselves to volunteer contributions.
HabLab and Workshop construction will not be completed until after the DVD hard copy is published. We will publish those plans later.
We will be releasing 14 more beta products by April 1, 2012 – so our goal of rapid parallel development is materializing. We have $1/2M available as of today to kick it in high gear. More about this later.
After April, we will be preparing for the Build Naturally Workshop – using the hybrid microhouse plans. We expect to host the workshop in July, for which we will have the construction DVD ready – featuring full results from HabLab and Workshop construction, including embodied energy. We aim to have a small prototype of the Hybrid Microhouse built prior to the Workshop – so that we are actually making technique refinements.


  1. anon

    Count me in for a dvd! But please don’t make it too expensive. $20 absolute maximum including delivery.

  2. Krim

    Good work boys

  3. xennon

    is there are .iso image of the DVD avalable?

  4. […] Civilization Starter Kit DVD v0.01 | Factor E Farm Blog Building tools for replicable, open source, post-scarcity resilient communities […]

  5. Thomas Tvivlaren

    Your work is absolutely excellent and I am following the progress of your project with enthusiasm.

    Stay excellent!

  6. devin

    Marcin, you look absolutely ecstatic. Keep up the good work!

  7. Matan

    Since this is OSE, i assume that the CD will also be downloadable in ISO/Some other form?.

  8. Thad Getterman

    Use BitTorrent (and/or CDN networks such as AWS) to avoid load on servers and/or accruing bandwidth overage costs.

    1. Marcin

      Working on full DVD, once complete professional CEB and Tractor Fabrication Drawing PDFs are added by Jan 15.

  9. RP Bostick

    Agreed with several others. To really get this out there, there should be a full digital copy out there, .iso or the like. It could be put up as a .torrent file so the website bandwidth is conserved.

  10. bianco

    hallo, you can put it on some czech sharing webs…..like http://www.ulozto.cz or hellspy.cz ….it is free and easy to download…..excellent work boys…

  11. […] before Christmas 2011 the OSE team has published a first instruction video of how this tractor is built. A more complete set of information is promised in the forthcoming […]

  12. Viveik

    Hi, when do the tractor, Cube, Tractor attachments
    drawings go online ?


  13. Open Source Ecology « Microfactoria Blog

    […] before Christmas 2011 the OSE team has published a first instruction video of how this tractor is built. A more complete set of information is promised in the forthcoming […]

  14. Frank Golbeck

    Gents and Ladies,
    Awesome work.
    Can’t wait to get a copy of the dvd to forward to the engineers and technicians at Sanitec in Tamatave, Madagascar. They could definitely make use of the technology and provide feedback for adapting it to circumstances in developing countries.

  15. Peter

    I’m a backer but never received any emails about getting the DVD. How can I get you my address?

  16. Bentax


    Thank you for sharing and spreading so much knowledge.

    How can I get this dvd?

  17. […] “civilisation starter kit” : à partir d’une imprimante 3D, vous imprimez votre bulldozer, moissonneuse batteuse, etc…Impossible ? ça existe déjà pourtant (le projet est loin […]

  18. Robert

    Blueprints as fist step, next user friendly trainings courses on web then school (primary and secondary) programs. In Poland we can help to promote.