Days 38-43
Factor e Farm interns did a lot of prep work for the MicroHouse workshop, which Founding Director Marcin Jakubowski decided to push back to the second week of August due to weather and scheduling conflicts.
A small group of interns teamed up Tuesday to remove the Bob CAT that OSE rented from the mud after a heavy rainstorm resulted in it sinking into the ground Monday night.
Another group of interns worked on cleaning and repairing a 100-gallon metal barrel to use for slurry-mixing. Several interns also prepared a coop on Tuesday for the chickens that arrived that day.
Wednesday’s first order of business was organizing the workshop. The interns spent the whole day sorting bolts and setting up new tool storage systems. A handful of interns came back to the workshop after dinner and continued working past midnight.
Thursday morning, most interns discussed and worked on publicity for the upcoming MicroHouse workshop that morning, splitting up to work on a slew of other tasks centred on preparing for the MicroHouse workshop.
Interns spent the first part of Friday and a couple hours in the evening preparing for the community pot-luck they hosted that evening.
Steel for the CEB Press arrived Friday afternoon. After everyone helped unload the parts and take inventory, those assigned to building the CEB Press began tack-welding.
The pot-luck was a success. Only five people from the community came, but all of them said they had a fun time and enjoyed learning about OSE.
The farm has been here for about a decade, but few community members seem to know a lot about what goes on at FeF. One of the guests said he had been interested in visiting for a while, but didn’t know how he could until he saw the flyer for Friday’s pot-luck.
Hospility Manager Danny Kirk taught two kids attending the pot-luck with their mom how to safely use a drill to make a wooden “robot” toy.
On Saturday and Sunday OSE interns took advantage of their “mandatory” weekend to go camping, cook out and chill. 🙂
New intern Charlie Feng arrived on Saturday and will be staying through next Sunday. Another intern, Arif Kivanc Yilmaz, arrived on Sunday and will be at the farm for two weeks.
Two cyclists coming from New Jersey arrived at Factor e Farm yesterday. The cyclists, Nick and Carter, are staying for just two nights. Today they’re help out with the CEB Press before continuing on their way to San Francisco.
hello my name and Matielo and would like to build some machines for my community will buy an area of land to build a sustainable village