Luke Log

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HintLightbulb.png Hint: Luke - did I get the right number of hours there at 20? -mj

(this is Luke Leighton)

Time Log

Fri Jan 6 2023

  • Started again on the UELVEs_MBC. PVC pipes and bamboo,

with 3D printed nodes, kevlar cloth and FR4 Resin.

Sun Jan 19, 2020

Wed Jan 15, 2020

Open_Source_Battery_Pack needed way to generate STL files (added). edited STEAM jan2020 page, mentioned TODO items.

Fri Jan 10, 2020

UELVEs_MBC 3D geometry drawing and preliminary result, showing how, based on four node locations and assuming the distance between door frame (purple) and door sill (green) is parallel, create a "marker" line half-way between, and work out the angle from which the pipe may be rotated (from its node) such that *both* pipes will touch perfectly on that centre line. by keeping things in 2D, it turns out it simply involves a couple of calls to atan2

MBC doorframe geometry.jpg

Tue Jan 07, 2020

UELVEs_MBC video explaining an issue that needs solving with some 3D geometry algorithms. The doorframe, doorsill and the door itself, all those pipes need to be parallel and a set distance from each other. This should be easy to compute with the application of some simple 3D algorithms, if you know what you are doing... I could really use some help here.


Sun Jan 05, 2020

MBC strength test.jpg test needed for the UELVEs_MBC

Pipe former concept.jpg

Sat Jan 04, 2020

Open_Source_Battery_Pack nearing the point where it can be test-printed. this shows the bus-bars and wires (yellow) which have poron foam behind them to act as springs, creating electrical contact *including* from the lid (purple) to the main holder (green). i also added space to get access to the BMS PCB (red) where you screw down a lid, it was becoming too awkward for assembly.

OSBP screenshot 4.jpg

Fri Jan 3, 2020

HintLightbulb.png Hint: This is an open source project, where is the source file lol!

alrightalright, i hand-drew it in the gimp! :)

Toblerone modifications proposed to D3D Universal which will allow it to span a greater distance without flexing.


Thu Jan 2, 2020

Notes and websites mentioned in this tour de force:

  2. 3D_Printed_Axial_Flux_Electric_Motor
  3. Luke can hopefully present the Special 1 Day Program - 3D Printer Mod as discussed, otherwise we need another instructor to cover that -
  4. STEAM Camp promo video -
  5. Fibre Reinforced Pipe 3D Printer - Luke's concept
  6. LRK Torquemax Motor - [1]. GIF of how it works - [2]
  7. Geodesic kayaks -
  8. Kestrel Hemp Car
  9. Luke is the creator of the EOMA-68 modular computer -
  10. Libre Silicon -
  11. Luke's FOSDEM talk on modular computing - Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton -
  12. Hackrod -
  13. Jay Leno's Divergent Blade - 3D printed metal + carbon fiber - company sells production knowhow to make these -
  14. Printbite 3D printing surface - . 30+ GBP per square foot - [3]
  15. DDR3 - this is what Luke designs in his ample spare time -
  16. UELVEs_MBC - the Ultra-efficient 4 wheeled 2 occupant Libre Car.