Areas of Activity

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Working Doc



Top 12

  1. Discourse to Upvote to SME and Review Workflow - point people to microcontributions on Review. Create a wiki template for Review
  2. 50 Machines
  3. 500 Modules for Module Based Design
  4. Product Ecology for Recursion down to plastic waste, scrap metal, and rocks.
  5. Design Guides for Everything
  6. Admissible Part Library for 500 modules and 50 machines
  7. OSE Scaling Strategy
  8. SME Search - critical developments can be accelerated greatly by people who share information.


This is aiming towards a job description for a Technical Community Manager.

  1. Tech Development - see Current Projects
  2. Icons are for modules, graphics, infographics, promo material, marketing material, OS Tech Pattern Language, working docs, also Fab Tool Icons, and Roles of community members (dev, ambassador, entrepreneur, producer, etc). [[See OSE Icons and OSE FreeCAD Icons.
  3. Sales are the venues - website, Amazon, Etsy, Tindie, Ebay, Collaborative Marketing Sites
  4. Ongoing Crowdfunded Incentive Challenge enterprise model - has to assure marketing for crowdfunding, with delivery of realistic products; can be a pre-sale concept like Kickstarter, except with crowdfunded incentive prize. Set up a methodology for this, with collaboration of other Supercooperators. Products are placed in OSES as a viable product that can be delivered via on-demand, flexible fabrication. Requires enough import substitution that this is realistic with high T 3D printer, large printers, CNC torch table, and basic tools. We create the MVP microfactory this way. At the very least, a high T, or large 3D printer with filament maker infrastructure - is the MVP. This is because we get into large printing this way, into the area that routers could do with wood, except now our wood is free by going to waste feedstocks.
  5. Icons - should apply to the 500 modules, 50 GVCS Icons, plus other processes and concepts - such as Team, Production Staff, Engineering. See Icons and Fab Tool Icons. 500 modules and processes are still needed, so that we be can compose product ecology diagrams. All together, the use case is: (1) first and foremost: modular breakdown of 50 GVCS machines as in Module Breakdown. (2) Pattern Language diagrams for explaining how a machine works.
  6. Pattern Language Icons - see how we can make technology comprehensible with an Open Source Technology Pattern Language. In fact, these should be identical to the OSE FreeCAD Icons. See Open Source Technology Pattern Language.
  7. Crowdsourced marketing - drawing up a lengthy list of places to advertise for STEAM Camps in all countries, so that we can execute 12x12 and even 24x24 easily, 4 times per year. This is a $240k-$1M revenue stream for OSE operations, sufficient to fund 1-4 more new OSE Campuses per year. The benefit to the marketing team is access to existing contacts/procedure lists, and ideally, it's our core developers that assist with it. Here we simply list paid advertising venues, procedure, cost, audience, expected ROI, etc. We can track COCA by asking people at workshops where they found our events - in post surveys.
  8. Business Model Innovation
  9. Global Classroom - every design, science, business, marketing, architecture, programming, and their mom gets involved with 1 hour per week of developing a Civilization Starter Kit
  10. Wiki Templates - upgrading OSE infrastructure via structured contributions. Team Member Infobox, Infobox, many others.
  11. OSE Meetups
  12. OSE Regional Chapters - collaborate on Microfactory production, STEAM Camps, Global Classrooms, school visits, and more.
  13. Timeline: OSE Timeline. One exists on the main site already.
  14. Ambassador Training: training for forum moderators, wiki maintainers, developers - as OSE Ambassadors
  15. Developer Training - more in depth for developers. 8 session 4 hour MOOC. Monetized via value added such as kits, startup of OSE Chapters at Universities, STEAM Camps, Clubs. We can train you so you can run these in your location. OSE provides education kernel development.
  16. Open Source Everything Store - hackathons, startup camps.
  17. Marketing Areas of Activity
  18. Social Media as Ongoing Training

Collaborative Strategies

What are different ways to collaborate on a large scale?

  1. Enlist ethnic Student Clubs at universities that have many chapters on a grand development challenge for a year with an annual project. Minimum of 200 active collaborators - 10 chapters with 20 members. Such as Ismail.
  2. College Open Source Clubs: do a viable open source touchscreen OS for Beagle Bone
  3. College Open Source Research Groups: CV/AI for tractor or farm robot, solar electric, 300W start (one panel). Software applies to any speed of a tractor for recognizing coordinates and automated planting and weeding along rows. Use case: inegrated polyculture, with planting of crops Miracle Orchard Style. Or plain rowcrop weed management up to 2' high plants.
  4. CS/Math/AI/Informatics/Automation - CV/AI Drones - tractor + aerial. Possibly around Farmbot evolution.


  1. Ambassadors - people who are familiar with OSE work to the point that they can represent OSE's activity effectively to the outside world. Long-time contributors are grandfathered into this role pending voluntary examination, and for newer contributors must past the OSE Literacy Exam.
  2. Producers - people who produce OSE-certified parts for product kits. Price structure and incentives are in development.
