OSE Collaboration Protocol

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OSE engages in large-scale product development. To date, this development was never large scale, peaking at only ~50 during some of OSE's Extreme Builds. But the goal is to coordinate ~2000 developers effectively in concurrent tasks consistent with a Second Toyota Paradox style of development. The OSE effort is collaborative, open source, and inclusive.

The OSE development method is a blend of the protocol below, and Incentive Challenges where people collaborate on large scale product development. To develop capacity for participating in the incentive challenges, we are running Open Source Microfactory STEAM Camps to develop a collaboratively-literate public.


Basic Questions for Large-Scale Development

  • How do you assure widespread interest? Work on important problems, such as solving for renewable energy, planting trees, or ending poverty. The GVCS qualifies as an important problem. However, the second side of this is that the solutions to these are simple and not exotic, requiring embrace of complexity - so it's often easier to do things like 'saving puppies' than 'transforming the world'.
  • How to assure widespread participation? Host incentive challenges, hackathons, or other Apollo-style projects. The OSE Incentive Challenge qualifies.
  • Create and distribute wealth. A historic transfer of wealth from the few to the many is needed badly. Efforts that do so at a fundamental level are likely to succeed in attracting great traction. Uber is a partial prototype of potential wealth distribution - but a paradigm shift to open collaboration can unleash the next level of chnage.
  • Collaborate, don't compete. The same patterns that got us into this mess cannot get us out of it. A major paradigm shift can be created by open source - but not just any open source - but collaborative, Distributive open source.
  • How to create livelihoods? At the end of the day, transformation of the economy from proprietary to collaborative involves that which people do for a living. That is, we must shift to jobs that work with open source collaboration: products, services, and institutions. This means that in order to attain a transition, we must create open source 'jobs', more like Un-Jobbing. Open source franchises can assist this. Our working question is: how do we help people enter open source economics? By open sourcing product designs and enterprise blueprints. What is a most likely cnadidate to achieve this? In OSE's view, the latest thinking as of the end of 2020 is to create collaboratively developed products via Distributed Market Substitution. Distributed market substitution can be created via incentive challenges which create Open Source Franchises.

Key Concepts

  • On one side, there are the mechanics of how to collaborate and document large-scale development. However, these mechanics are not stygmergic unless participants have a solid understanding of the concepts/priniciples that allow for large-scale, collaborative, open-source product development.
  • Some key concepts to understand in order to collaborate are General Semantics, Time Binding ,Development Template, Module-Based Design, and Second Toyota Paradox as key elements of solving Brook's Law. In addition to this, participants must understand the sources of Collaborative Waste, and not only Competitive Waste.
  • Understanding the subtleties of Module-Based Design for effective creation of systems engineering breakdown diagrams, modular breakdowns, Open Source Technology Pattern Language icononography, and the application of these to a Construction Set Approach.
  • Understanding Test-Driven Design as a key element of rapid evaluation of product designs for functionality.
  • Understanding applied psychology in terms of motivating large numbers of people to participate - in terms of understanding the search for meaning, mastery, and autonomy - while being constrained by the status quo of 'getting through the day'.
  • Ability to link important work to economic significance
  • Philosophical understanding of Super-Cooperation, Collaborative Literacy, and the basic premise that a growth mindset introduces the possibility of transcending a scarcity maindset.
