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In the OSE framework, transformation may be defined simply as the practice of Integrated Learning and application of this learning to one's life.

Where does the change aspect of transformation come in?

We assume the nurture perspective of human development. Recent scientific knowledge shows that even neurons regenerate throughout life.

We further assume that most people accomplish very little of their full potential. This could be both depressing from a fixed mindset, and a growth opportunity when viewed from the growth mindset.

Thus, we assume that any person, and especially the exceptional person, can transform themselves on a regular basis. It just takes some specific learning of key knowledge that builds upon existing knowledge - and practice of this new learning. Sometimes it may involve unlearning bad habits.

In summary, transformation is merely practicing new learnings for profound change. We say 'profound' because of the extent to which the brain has developed in humans - it is complex and can cultivate new powers.

Deeper Questions

How do you help people find boundless motivation? How do you fill them with hope and meaning? Because it will be all the 'losers' in high school that are left behind, and cause trouble. How do we bring a person who learned dis-motivation - to complete motivation? It is about clarifying one's mental models to reflect reality more effectively. Such as: you can learn things. You have predispositions, but nothing is set in stone. Hope exists. Positive psychology is learned.

Is anyone transforming individuals to infinite possibility, but in an integrated way?

Change of Character and Persoality and Rate of Change

  • 2019 paper says we can change our personality - with a will to do it, and pursuing it actively. - [1]
  • The Big Five measures personality [2]. Step 1 is to pull the trait out of the last quadrant of the Johari Window. the more you take action, the more you change
  • The time scale of personality change is years or decades - [3]
  • Character changes, personality is fixed. But it's not true, as personality changes over life. [4]. Note: I emailed author to request an updatd of this article, which implies personality is a fixed trait.
  • Character can change - [5]
  • Persoality can change - 20 ways from Inc - [6]
  • Personality changes completely throughout one's lifetime, over a 66 year span - debunking previous 1-2 decade-long studies! [7] -
  • Inc on personality does change - [8]
  • Neurons to narratives - TED Talk - [9]. What you think about your character is 'true' - explain. Ie - how you perceive yourself - accordingly you will act. But, you can also act out of character - that is the theme of the TED talk - that you have some flexibility - at a certain cost. So creating new habits is an answer, to instill other neurological change. Thus - rate of change is the rewiring of your neurons, and their growth rate is important to understand for progress in positive psychology.
  • How fast do new neurons grow - they appear to grow in adults - but we don't know how fast. [10]. Since 1998 we know that neurons do grow. [11]. See Adult Neurogenesis.

Industry Standards - Existing Work on the Topic

  • Cultivate a growth mindset. YES! Can we teach that to students at the high school level.
  • Tony Robbins- definitely gets people motivated, but 4 day of Unleash Power Within ($2k) is not a lot without putting in practice afterwards. But that in itself is 4 days of practice, so almost 1% of a year that yuo are encouraged. Now the 99%... [12]
  • Superfluidity - useful concept


  • Take the diagram of fixed, growth mindset. Add a third column - transcendance mindset. [13]. What would it look like if you 1000x the solution?

Measurement of Self-Transcendance

Self-transcendance is is the realization that you are one small part of a greater whole, and acting accordingly.

  • Self-Transcendence Scale - [14]
  • Cloninger's Self-Transcendance Scale - [15]

Basic Principles for Public Design

  1. Help others achieve flow by setting them up for meaningful design - by using part libraries, icon libraries, and other design libraries that allow people to up their game across diverse areas. By discovering new skills, people gain power and self-esteem. This is accessible to anyone, unlike internal work such as meditation, which may require more subtle practice. So start with gross practice as an easy access point - according to OSE's Materialistic-then-Idealistic approach.


This is what would go into OSE College

  1. Put people into theta [16]
  2. Meditate
  3. Commune with nature
  4. Do 'Shadow Work' - [17]
  5. Be aware that you can gain excellence

Quotations on Self-Transcendance

Gina Greenlee:

“What would happen if you gave yourself permission to do something you’ve never done before? There’s only one way to find out.”

Sri Chinmoy:

“I do not have any set goal; my goal is self-transcendence. I always try to transcend myself. I do not compete with the rest of the world. I compete only with myself, and I try to become a better human being. This is my ultimate goal.”

Viktor Frankl:

“Only to the extent that someone is living out this self transcendence of human existence, is he truly human or does he become his true self. He becomes so, not by concerning himself with his self-s actualization, but by forgetting himself and giving himself, overlooking himself and focusing outward.”

Jonathan Haidt:

“Awe is the emotion of self-transcendence.”

William Barrett:

“The bond that attaches us to the life outside ourselves is the same bond that holds us to our own life.”

Anton Chekhov:

“I long to embrace, to include in my own short life, all that is accessible to man.”

Oli Anderson:

“It is essential to our health and happiness that we dedicate ourselves to some kind of mission or purpose that transcends the mundane hustle and bustle of daily living.”

Kilroy J. Oldster:

“Our present conscious self and our shadow must learn how to coexist. The first step to attaining personal transcendence commences when the conscious mind and the unconscious mind square off and battle for preeminence. A person who achieves self-realization understands the interworking of both their conscious mind and the unconscious mind and integrates their unique dichotomy into their sense of a self.”

Sri Chinmoy:

“Self-transcendence gives us joy in boundless measure. When we transcend ourselves, we do not compete with others. We do not compete with the rest of the world, but at every moment we compete with ourselves. We compete only with our previous achievements. And each time we surpass our previous achievements, we get joy.”

Examples of Change-Making

  • Tony Robins
  • Reforming prison inmates
  • Shrinks - [18]. Let's integrate the psychotherapist with other modalities, such as building things, job training, learning to learn, cultivating a growth mindset
  • Ron Kurtus - a website - The School of Champions. [19]
