Village Franchise Log

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Wed Apr 7, 2020

OSE's plans since 2012 have been to create a replicable, world-class development center for the collaborative, open source economy. This was a conversation betweeen Catarina Mota, Marcin, and Cesar Harada at TED Global in Edinburgh. Our key to success is the humility of gentle giants, people who collaborate openly to do more than they could do themselves. See End State notes on the psychological and technical prerequisites for this. We believe in creating a best-practice community, and spreading it to thousands of locations worldwide so that centers of regenerative development can take hold all over the world. The current model involves:

  1. Land-based facility, 30+ acres to allow for a stable village population up to Dunbar's Number scale, which allows for industrial productivity on a small scale, as a basis of Self-Determination with people who are working on solving Pressing World Issues. The premise is modern OSAT that allows for a 2 Hour work day to meet the precondition of material abundance. Clarity on what a piece of land can provide in most places around the world must be had. Here is an assessment of Smallest Scale Autonomous Republic.
  2. The startup budget is around $100k for land, and $100k for infrastructure.
  3. Model pursued is like a university Campus - a model that is familiar. People come in for a specific purpose, and gain merit-based tenure. Some stay for ever.
  4. The village-state is intended to engender a circular economy, such that local materials are produced from local resources. What are the practical limits of this?
  5. A pilot program will run after the COVID emergency passes, where we will put a call out for the first 6 participants, supported by a 3D printer enterprise. We thought a lot about inviting others to produce Distributive Enterprise business models, but so far found nobody that has a working one.
  6. Participation ongoing funding revolves around high value production, both for Neosubsistence and external markets. Curerntly, we have 3D printer production as a qualifying ($100/person/hour) revenue model that can likely be expanded easily to 50 such positions. Perhaps a startegy is to collaborate with National Chapters to replicate this first.
  7. Onboarding: possibly Event Planners on the national level as a strategy to onboard village participants, or to develop this in parallel.
