Day 3
OSE’s summer interns continued some of the projects they started yesterday, including extension cord repairs and installing an irrigation system. They also started on some new projects, like setting up the 3D-printers and planting crops.
As usual, the interns documented their work to make it accessible and faster for future interns and other people interested in pursuing the same projects.
Morning meeting
To start today’s meeting, Founding Director Marcin Jakubowski had the interns review what they accomplished and recorded in the Contributor Log on OSE’s Wiki, also taking a look at the photos that people uploaded to OSE’s photo gallery on Trovebox.
Next, they discussed plans to build the pool deck, improve the irrigation system being installed and a slew of other tasks the team looked to accomplish that day and in coming weeks.
Access meeting minutes here.
Following the morning meeting, the interns prepared to create manuals on how to put together each part of the CEB Press. Marcin talked which each intern about their part, noting some of the complications they may run into and other information they should keep in mind when putting together their instructions.
Hands-on work
Marcin started the afternoon by showing the interns around the workshop. After learning where things were, half the interns spent the next hour re-organizing it, while the other half went with Marcin over to the old workshop to scavenge for and eventually organize screws, bolts, scraps and tools that could still be used.
Afterward, the interns split up into smaller groups to work on a slew of other things.
Several people set up an irrigation system, documenting their progress. Additionally, this group planted and watered corn and started building the structures needed to raise garden beds.

USDA IT manager Tim Gravlin from Kansas City instructs interns on how to install irrigation system. Photo by Stephen Whiting
Another group began reassembling the CEB Press that was taken apart the day before, documenting the process with another time lapse. (Note: the time lapse has yet to be compiled into one video, so several clips have been uploaded for now.)
Three interns worked with Marcin to begin setting up and writing instructions for one of the Lulzbot 3D-printer in the Hab Lab. They managed to level one printer, which must be done by hand on the models used at Factor e Farm, and do a couple test runs.

Interns Anthony Douglas (pictured) and Juan Bennazar managed to do one successful test run after leveling one of the Lulzbot 3D-printers. Photo by Juan
“The thing that took the most time was levelling it by hand,” said Juan Bennazar, an intern from Puerto Rico working toward a degree in mechanical engineering at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wis.
A few other interns continued repairing extension cords with the skills they learned on Monday.
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