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Culture is behavior driven by values. No?

In companies, it is called company culture.


OSE Case

In 2024, we ask - is the missing culture so profound that we must work diligently on eliminating culture risk from derailing the project? MJ's experience so far indicates that we are not going anywhere without open culture:

  • Working openly
  • Engaging in open product development - this is essentially rebooting the entire economic operating system of the third planet
  • Developing sophisticated swarm collaboration protocols - for solving problems, for Time-Binding.
  • Investing in rapid learning and peak performance
  • Approaching global issues from the perspective of integated solutions: integrated education, integrated design, Integrated Enterprise
  • Life-Work Integration - this is yet another aspect of an integrated approach. It is critical because no satisfactory reason exists for and profound evidence indicates against any attempt to separate personal life from work life. Such separation is merely an aspect of humans who have not undergone much Psychosocial Integration, who do not know who they are (Anomie and resentment) - and who have not gotten further than social or esteem needs on Maslow's Hierarchy. Not to even mention how life-work separation violates basic principles of Self-Determination Theory. To separate work from life is a feature of specialization, which is for insects according to Heinlein.
  • Unlimited intrinsic motivation - once self-actualization, unprecedented levels of motivation arise, and pave the way to self-realization.
  • Pursuit of mastery over ego, arrogance, fear, etc - in a fiery pursuit of enlightenment
  • Peak performance requires skill and rapid learning - how does a candidate identify with lifelong learning? Are they hungry?
  • Grit. Grit Test.
  • Character. Character Test.

The first question is - if no clear path with a 2 Sigma success rate exists towards achieving the above properties - can the promise of OSE be delivered? Possibly, but why not shoot for the stars and create a replicable way to achieve education for genius, creativity, open collaboration, and self-determination? And especially - can the least fortunate people be transformed equally as well as the elite - or possibly even with a higher success rate? That would be the mark of an evolve society.

Next question - what is the danger of a culture that strives for the above? Is it too in-bred, or is it simply one of divine inspiration?
