OSE Europe/Foundation

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OSE Europe

Current Status: the foundation will not be created for the time being.

OSEE Charter

Open Source Ecology Europe (OSEE) is chartered for the purpose of furthering the goals of Open Source Ecology (OSE), based in Missouri, US. It will adhere to the goals as determined by OSE International. Its aim is to provide a regional structure that will work towards the completion of the GVCS 50 by January 2013. It is a European group in which local chapters and individuals can come together to raise monies for the Global Village Construction Set (GVSC) 50 prototyping. It is a networking organisation that allows people to meet like-minded OSEEr’s. OSE Europe is considered a branch of the central OSE organization. After January 2013 assuming the deliverables have been met, It will co-ordinate the efforts of European local chapter and Village activities to promote OSE concepts including the GVCS technologies, abundance based economies, sustainable agriculture, and cooperative living. This will be achieved through educating and informing people on the topic of open source technology and lifestyle. Any funding generated will go to the development of the Global Village Construction Set at Factor e Farm until the January 2013. After which the OSEE governance rules will apply.

OSEE Governance

OSE Europe shall be lead and run by a 6 person council with funding decisions taken by a (simple majority) monthly. 1 of the roles will have specific control over the allocation of the funding related to development (CTO). The president of the council will chair the monthly meetings and determine the agenda. All information and technology produced will be open source, and adhere to the forthcoming “Open Source Hardware Licence” (OSHWL link2) when it is available, until then it will be at the discretion of the CTO. Committees may be created at the discretion of the council for specific purposes on an ad hoc basis. These committees may include fund raising, promotion, events, village formation advice, etc. The committee members are;


Marcin Jakubowski, CTO
Andreas Gmeiner, Council
Josef Davies-Coates, Council
Nikolay Georgiev, President
Ralf Schlatterbach, Council
Robert Anteau, Council
William Cleaver, Council