Biology of Perception

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Dr. Bruce Williams seminal work on biology of perception - how perception affects genetics, not how genetics control your life. This is a 10 year old recent concept,proven in science by now, and worth updating in one's understanding how the body and world work.


...he's incorrectly stating that each cell in our body has all the functions that the body has.

His methods of argumentation are dubious. For example, his quotations of single sentences from the scientific articles are misleading. If you take anything out of context you can give it any meaning you'd like (that's what politicians and other quacks do to advance their agenda).

And his revelation that genes do not exclusively control our fate is not anything new. There has been a lot of talk over the ages regarding what shapes us and now an AP high school student and every college biology student knows that there are two major influences: nature (genes) and nurture (environment). And within last 20 or so years we saw the emergence of epigenetics, i.e. evidence that non-coded information does influence genes.