D3D 1612 Product Testing

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Final Quality Control Procedure

Done once the entire machine is assembled together and ready to run. Tests for all parts being secure, proper tightening of bolts, proper dimensions of cut parts, and all other parts of structure, prior to functionality testing in the Testing Procedure below.

Testing Procedure

  1. Download OSE Linux, Version 1.0.
  2. Open Arduion IDE, which is found on the desktop.
  3. Upload firmware to the RAMPS board once you boot up OSE Linux. The firmware is already included. In Arduino IDE, go to File->Open Recent-> Marlin September Workshop and open it. Connect USB cord to printer and click the Upload right arrow at the top.
  4. Turn power supplies on, make sure green light turns on.
  5. Verify that the fan is turned on on the extruder
  6. Power light lights on the Arduino
  7. Fan turns on on the 24V power supply.
  8. Verify that red light on MOSFET turns on
  9. Move axes by hand to see there is no stuckage
  10. Moving axes by hand, record the range of movement for X, Y, and Z - ______________
  11. Quit out of Arduino IDE.
  12. Open Cura, D3D Lulzbot Edition
  13. Download a sample STL print file - Calibration Cube - to test the control interface, and drag and drop it into Cura.
  14. Connest host computer to the D3D 3D printer via a USB cable.
  15. Home x
  16. Home y
  17. Touch the head of the inductive sensor, and see if it is triggered (red light on it should turn on).
  18. Home z - but don't adjust probe yet. Just home with the inductive sensor height clearly below the nozzle height.
  19. Make sure that during homing of z - the bed goes down a little first and then begins to move up. Homing is when the bed moves up towards the extruder.
  20. Set extruder temp to 205C for a PLA test
  21. Verify that red light goes on, and that the temperature on the Cura monitor is flat (stable) once temperature is reached.
  22. Load filament
  23. Extrude filament once machine gets up to extruder temperature
  24. Set temperature of heat bed to 50 and observe that the heating works. Blue light on external MOSFET lights up.
  25. Polarity of signal to mosfet - does it matter?
  26. Home X and measure range of motion from beginning up to software endstops. Compare X motion via the Cura interface and the maximum motion obtained in Step where axes are moved by hand to determine their absolute highest motion. The difference should be +/- 3 mm
  27. Home Y and measure the same for Y. Motion tolerance should likewise be +/- 3 mm
  28. Raise the build platform manually to verify that it moves up and down easily. It should either hold or drop slowly by itself when raised above its lowest point.
  29. Raise the platform up to the nozzle such that the inductive sensor triggers right before the nozzle hits the bed.
  30. Use Calibration Cube for a sample print. Print result -

See Also