Depth of Collaboration

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Collaboration can change the world by Sharing resources. Specifically, in OSE's sense, sharing non-scarce resources. OSE's definition of non-scarce resources is broud. It means that using the resource does not deplete it - but to the contrary, can even exapand it. For example, using knowledge does not deplete it - but expands it. Using solar energy does not deplete it - but expands it if that energy is used to make photovoltaic panels. Using more rocks to make steel does not deplete them - but expands them because more heavy trucks can be built to extract more. If recycled and used widely - a resource is never depleted - as in nature. Using carbon does not deplete it, because carbon is regenerated by plants. This all relies on wise use of resources in cyclic loops. From the OSE perspective - there are only a few if any scarce resources. Many times scarce resources can be substituted by others.

Thus, material scarcity is artificial - which explains the usage of the words artificial scarcity in the Global Village Construction Set TED Talk.