Emily Aiken
See Product - OSE Character Stand and Promise
See also working Google Doc - Character Stand and Promise
See also OSE Brand Team
Founder of The Story Studio:
- Not artist, but creative director
Personally: creative inventor parents, worked with tools, knows scarcity. Emily is a connector + Personal Investor.
All about engineering and building - and connector and story teller. Invested in telling my story and connecting to others similar.
Work for OSE
- Towards core brand and experience. People are attracted to authenticity. I'm far along, we just need to name it.
- Talking across personality types
- The 51st machine - the Human
- I have the The 5th Element - not a great movie but emily loved it - about the person
- I have the capacity to talk about this and act it also
- I can create user stories - not only plans, but how people improve themselves
- OSE - Build Yourself
- Base Kernel of Entity - clarity on who I am - Emily - Kernel 0 - founation based on authentic being, and expressed to web, funders, media. Concrete and fundamental stand for further work.
- Emily is expert in Hajj's first 12 questions
- I am strong entity that is in front of the brand
- Hajj knows how to work on someone who is in front of their brand
Mon June 22, 2020
Summary:' OSE has strong presence in Earned Media mentions. See In the News for a few examples of OSE mentions. There are many others there. We can contact writers for the media, and provide an update that may be worth writing about.
- How to share private YouTube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8_Pj3HcSoQ
- Have a repo of feed - use that as a Feed for some person to do social media.
- https://www.rev.com/
- FB - LinkedIn - Instagram - Clips to instagram? IGTV -
- Do Instagram on a phone, then it feeds to FB.
- Best Instagram Video - World Economic Forum. They use writted word. Present on IGTV. 60 second limit for Instagram.
- At 67, does not want to do work for money - just meaning
- Future Literacy - http://www.futurexo.com/
- Longevity -
- Wants support by sponsors - for it to be free - but
- Podcasts - good way to promote. Earned promotion - going after getting submitted to platforms.
- Podcasts - do a media kit when we reach out for podcasts. Goals and current things that we do.
- Feedback - what they recommend is a full time job - get featured. You want to be featured. Editorial and advertising staff at mags.
- Get featured!
- Find contributing writers?
- From podcasts to contributing writers.
- Time it property
- Brand identity - who are we?
- Plus campaigns for a specific thing.
- 7 - in brand identity - it's 7 times per year
- Whipple Russell Architects - Emily does the media there. https://whipplerussell.com/
- Extreme Enterprise - admin, production, sales/marketing, planning, management
- $57 for COCA is realistic if we have a lot of Earned Media
- Can do ads based on title of person - on LinkedIn - c-suite
- Target interns, tech students, titles - such as production manager.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earned_media
- SEO - goes to platforms - but those are highly engaged audiences
- Pinterest - highly populated by women, and also designers, doers, makers
- SEM Rush - $99/month
- Top 3 things in SEO - 1. User experience - good User Interface - needs to be good. Mobile and Desktop needs to look good. 2. Right amount language to pictures. 3. Tag - page description translated into HTML code. Metatag descriptions. Header 1 vs Header 2.
- FB is in trouble - will want a management change. Anything filled with lies, should be cleaning it up/
- Earned Media- right reason and right time.
- Platforms marketing - list of orgs
- Magazine - writers, DM them.
- 2 pieces for timing - branding (any time), and events (timely).
- 1% return on FB. Conversion.
- Who is coming to website from where?
- Of 1000, 35
- Need:
- 'Platform' or Earned Media List - allows you to drive what you show them - list
- Podcast list
- Earned media List
- Fllow Earned Media - Author - who follows us already. Who featured us already. Ex. Arch Daily - and 'https://www.archdaily.com/author/karissa-rosenfield' did a feature on Global Village Construction Set.
- We follow them -
- University List - professors in open source, for collaboration.
- Invite Wired Mag & Adam Savage
- The Rabbit Hole - podcast -
- YouTube - studio - presence is great. DL then upload native to facebook.
- Sovereignties will be permanently changed (how?) - breakdown - heavy advances coming - universal basic services, how we work with each other, basic securities.
- Believes in being subversive -
- Every 7 years - new movie had to be release - because a new phase happens every 7 years.
- Robert Sopolski - Stanford - every 7 years - your body is replaced.
- https://www.nucalm.com/
- Media package.
- Also - FlipBoard - implement a flip board to follow topics and collect articles.
- https://flipboard.com/ - embeddable. Sharing stories with social media - with your own take on it. Add value to it by commenting.
Session 6 - Nov 17, 2012
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRsfNUber9U&feature=player_embedded
- http://www.youtube.com/user/thestorystudio
- A white-label product or service is a product or service produced by one company (the producer) that other companies (the marketers) rebrand to make it appear as if they made it.
- http://www.thestorystudio.com/what_weve_done/my_country - "There was such a clear connection between their brief and our visual design that the client could easily see how and why the future of the brand would unfold."
- I define the culture and people that enter OSE. Egalitarian? Leader is granted power.
Session 5 - Nov 2, 2012
- Rob Kirk - US audience - in the USA it is broad exposure through media
- Emily made Rob nervous - loss of control; contrived; tremendous story at OSE, but need to make sure TV doesn't control the message. If we can't do it in a correct way, we shouldn't do it - according to Kirk.
- Rob had a meeting w/ head guy of History Channel. Leader in reality vision. History channel - kind of tacky. Then there is H2 - content-oriented version. Serious content, not character-driven, contrived programming. Ex - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Marvels - is an H2 program. Mike is the exec. Showed them TED Talk. Typically pitches 10 ideas, this time TED Talk was compelling. Not right for History Channel - but H2. Competes with Science Channel by Discovery channel.
- Key: absolute final editorial control lies in us. Not in contract, but show design must be focused in a specific way. H2 has 50 million homes. Ex - Modern Marvels has viewers. H2 Network started because History Channel left their core audience behind.
- Marcin - racing the time, bringing people together for production. People with basic capacity.
- Watch word in TV is stakes - business/financial; success or not;
- Mananging leadership, enterprise, production, recruiting
- Haliburton vs 12 Farmers.
- Powerful force - lots of strength to do this. Unique vision, strength, and quality. This would give a certain visibility - transparent - open source, transparency. Rob is wise and has been in this game. Non-interference basis - producing. Ex. They did 3 months of following basic training starting with civilians. Start of Army of 1 campaign.
- This involved 1 hour per week. On other days, just talk 'on the fly.'
- Works on my schedule - when is the time? Few shows for 2 months of filming.
- 3-12 months window for air time. Each episode - gather everything - 2 weeks. That depends.
- Time, machines, etc.
- Rob would be there a lot, and every phase of editing.
- Follow and non-interference. On the fly interviews. Once a week for an hour.
- Creative direction is wholly Rob.
- Preproduction - Rob understands what I am doing. 2 people - every day producer + Rob Kirk. Full time. Camera, sound, producer + production assistant. On-demand structure. The crew itself has to be on-board too. On-board with mission. Helping in what we are doing.
- Series for 8-12 episodes right away. Popular series.
- Rob Kirk - working on 2 series right now - 12 people active + freelancers
- Emily rad small production as well - understands enterprise.
- About 8-12 months for the series all together. Shooting completed - then editing phase. Then may come back. $250k/hour episode.
Session 4 - Oct. 12, 2012
- Media strategy: Not even PBS, definitely not reality show, but a private sponsor to do a documentary.
- Emily has contacts who can make, market, and distribute to someone who supports me
- Linda Abrams is a marketer
- Find a way to sell a story directrly RElates to people - but supported and marketed properly
- Emily talks to people - requires so much telling. GVCS is a tangible set. Thinks documentary would tell an introl
- Plan bigger thing but keep showing the little thing. Photogenic, compelling, plus building machines.
- Gus Stone designs experiences.
Session 3 - Sep. 28, 2012
- Jeremy Sketchup Architecture
- Captain Kirk for updates - no more than 30 seconds. Vlog. Coming out of Meditation.
- Talk to Rob Kirk - Digital Ranch
- Do a LiveStream for production runs
- Butterfly catcher (sales, positive always), sword eater (buck stops here) - identify who is what type. DISC. Cohen Williams makes every person take DISC system to understand personality style. Bill is cutting edge on character assessment - has his own version, not DISC.
- Emily assessment - I am a Heavy Producer
- Must work with Katherine on Style
- Bill Tobin
- Social Capital Markets
- Gus Stone - Systems Artist
- David Gurman - vibrant data
- Human Operating System
- Systems guy and Graphic Designer
- OD - Operations Design
- Marcin is Machine 51
- Integrated Brain is the new Brain of the New Century
- Eric Berlow and Rachel Armstrong are examples
- Identity is key to moving forward.
- Stand and promise is a tool for aligning actions in organization
- I inspire my team to get on the same page
- Recruiting tool for advisory board
- Influences social media campaign
- Influences graphic designer
- Influences strategy - once we are clear, S&P influence all business activity
- Helps us define differentiating point- stand tall where I am, they meet me where I am at
- S&P is at highest level to keep me aligned
- Use S&P to drive strategy and ops, systems, people, commitments, conversation
- OSE is driving philosophy - but it's also my life
- GVCS is first product to market
- Will get Sketchup Case Study from architect on use in visualization and transfer from CAD
Session 1 - Sep. 13, 2012
- OSE_Brand, Marcin's_Proposed_Schedule, and Marcin Daily
- Goal: go over my story and Marcin's_Proposed_Schedule
- Review Apple discussion
- What is missing from Collaboratorium for Emily's clarity
Session 2
Recording of session: File:Emily2.mp3.tar.gz
- Nailing the promise and the (character) stand
- Use Zubaida Bai Character Stand as template
- My strong presence is needed to be out front, not like Jane Goodall
- USe mass media and be out front
- "Build Yourself" is a powerful offer
- I can be revolutionary by virtue of my nature
- Core value is Open. So let a TV show in. But can I control it? There will be challenges, but yes
- Send the former offer to Emily on History Channel
- Emily want to prepare this, it takes time, so I can turn it down.
- Focus Forward is compelling, but does not show process.
- If I am pulled into media, as long as I know who I am, if I am authentic, that will come through. Not Larry Ellison, not Jane Goodall
- I am controllable by virtue of actions
- Toolkit - yes
- Handiest man in the world- let everyone feel power
- Team up with right people
- Producer and Network have ultimate editorial control
- I would like to have ultimate 'positioning control' ie adherence to Character Stand with a taem member on our side
- There is interest upon first meeting, and continuing journey
- Words that are not discource - Autonomy is not discourse; Mastery is not discourse; Higher Purpose is not discourse
- Current Stand: We believe in producing material security, autonomy and abundance for all. And that when a persons’ physical reality is transformed they can not help but become empowered, responsible individuals in their community.
- Current Promise: We promise to remove barriers to material scarcity by unleashing access to know-how world wide.
- Promise - Design, build, test, document - 50 tools - teach. Foundation or platform for taking civilization to the next level.
Session 3
- Review strategy - value and promise - be clear -
- What is positioning in market and market strategy
Session 4
- Character Brief - see how above is codified in a character
Session 5
- Moving parts - 1 page document - summarizing our positioning
- It's a map of how often I need to take action social media, video, news - Media and Marketing strategy
- Process for implementing brand infrastructure
- Implementing brand infrastructure
- Map of how often to act as above
- Hajj is online identity
- Brand Promise - [1]