Exporting from Blender for Animations

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   I didn't export the animation from blender.  

I used collada to generate a .dea file which my 3d pkg (luckily) interpreted almost correctly. Blender is still kind of an island to itself. hat's the main reason why it's not being used in commercial productions. Great to model, fluids, animate, and render from... but if you want to take it into after effects or another 3d pkg it's limited.

Collada export is pretty standard with 3d pkg. It's not really "new" info.


This is not new info to those 'in the know.' It is valuable info, however, to radical boundary crossers who know little about a subject.

This does, however, define a problem statement that the OS community needs to address before it moves into prominence in other areas outside of the backbone of the internet.

OSE plan is to identify the shortcomings of OS solutions, then to address them, so that OS becomes a real option.