Extreme Enterprise Mentorship

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8 Rules for Supercooperations

  • Strong sense of identity and purpose - who is in group, what roles are
  • Proportional cost and benefit - give and get equally
  • Inclusive decision making, open transparent fair
  • Agreed upon rules of behavior.
  • Correction mechanism. Not hammer, but warniung enough. Graduated actions - corrections mechanism, ways to escalate
  • Fast and fair conflict resolution. By all parties.
  • Authority to self-govern. Must have elbow room.
  • Appropriate relations with other groups that embody same principles.

OSE Specific

  1. Identity. We collaborate to the world's first Distributive Enterprise that depends on full collaboration and distributive results, while generating significant investment on the order of several million dollars for startup. With 3 tracks: houses, machines, and 3d printers. Roles are primus inter pares, but we operate on principles of meritocracy of earned authority. That is, people of different strengths lead in those strengths, but are not allowed to force their will onto others. The ultimate governance is that each of us agrees to a common brand of Distributive Enterprise - and that means a Distributive Enterprise Qualifying Exam (theoretical) and Performance Exam (pracical actions) for each person to be admitted. This brand constitutes a strong identity regarding the values that we stand for. We identify as Integrated Humans.
  2. The ultimate reward is that each person is able to use the brand, and all the benefits of collaborative development and lifelong training that go with it. This is an elite ethical group of people committed to leading OSE branded enterprise as a point of light for their respective location. The explicit goal is to address structural evil, and constantly question and correct the progress of humanity while developing the tools of agency to make positive change. Utmost ethics, understanding of history, personal development, freedom from psychosis, are all general requirements. Established minimum thresholds of sanity and correct mental models are required. There are also honorary degrees in the Extreme Enterprise program, based on the special qualities that a person can demonstrate and teach. Demonstrating the principles is not sufficient - but an ability to disseminate these skills to other Fellows and greater public is required.
  3. The cost is successful running of programs in the fields of appropriate technology (OSAT), land regeneration, education, freedom (time, place, relationship, material security), and social justice. The most basic metric is freedom, social justice, and environmental integrity based on generally accepted principles backed by a scientific approach, and balanced by systems thinking. The core responsibility is transformation of systems according to a scorecard based on shared and progressive understanding of Pressing World Issues and structural evil.
  4. Governance. Founder and advisors create the new Constitution and Protocols. A constitution of ideas generally regarded as true is built upon all the knowledge of humanity for a governance that is consistent with systems thinking and integrated design. OSE builds upon prior Constitutions and other founding documents - extracting the principles that work, and amending them for operating system updates based on new learnings of civilization.
  5. Decision-making involves a common roadmap for addressing pressing world issues, decided in an annual retreat where we map out our goals and celebrate accomplishments. Performance is measured by specific metrics of freedom, quality of life, environmental integrity, and social justice. Basic metrics proposed by international bodies are used, but in our usual approach, we build upon these industry standards by new learnings from civilization.
  6. We establish specific norms of integral and ethical behavior and hold each other accountable to them in a friendly and collaborative way. We establish norms consistent with evolution of humanity and nature.
  7. We establish correction mechanisms staring with clear measurement, and clearly-defined performance thresholds. The ultimate corrective incentive is banishment from the brand, which still allows for evolution of the OSE ecosystem to forks that can work on improvements outside of OSE collaboration. Clear conflict resolution policy exists as, first, openness to resolve issues directly by stating clear and actionable demands with clear procedures for responding to them. Second, by qualified trusted 3rd party counseling as solo or group efforts. And third, vote by the Senate (basic requirement of Distributive Enterprise Qualifying Exam and Performance Exam). The Fellows qualify for the Senate with time and based on their Honorary Degrees - all based on honor, integrity, and ethics - with the primary goal of ethical enterprise underpinning all of our actions.
  8. Self-Governance - we all develop public assets, and each branch implements them according to their needs. We are bound by an identity defined by solving pressing world issues.
  9. Relations with Other Groups - we always look for collaboration with other collaborative entities, and we make collaboration protocols available to all.
