Food Rescue

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  • Takes food that is below quality standards, or sell by dates, but is still perfectly edible
  • Then distributes this food to local distributers (such as food pantries/food banks etc), most often for free
  • Anything nonedible (such as bread that is molden), can be anerobically digested, composted, or fed to animals


  • Reduces Waste
  • Feeds the Poor
  • Education about food waste?

How OSE Can Help

Trays etc

  • Open Source Bakery Tray
  • Open Source Bakery Tray Skid
  • Open Source Bakery Tray Dolly
  • Open Source Bulk Box

Industrial Layout/Helpful Tools

  • Open Source Gravity Conveyor/ "Rollers" for moving boxes more ergonomically/fast
  • Standardized Food Rescue Facility Site Plan (ie in side for donation, donation buffer warehouse, processing area, distribution buffer warehouse, side for distribution, break area, machine storage area, wash in/wash out stations (for people and equipment) driveways etc)

Shelf Life Increasing Stuff (This is a bit out there, but could be very useful)

  • Stuff for X-ray Food Sterilization
  • Stuff for repackaging food (hard plastic containers, shrinkwrap, or even inert atmosphere/vacuum packing, also low light packaging)
  • Stuff for putting new labels on the above packaging (saying original brand + food rescue etc)

Safe Practices

  • Most sites don't deal with meat etc
  • Most sites only get things that LOOK undesirable to some (weirdly shaped apples), or are past best buy/sell by dates (which don't mean much)
  • Also cross out barccodes, or do something like that to prevent resale

See Also

Useful Links