Friends/OM Create Act and Undertake Open and Positive

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OM – Create, Act and Undertake – Open and Positive

OM is an open community creating Open Positive Media, Actions and Enterprises, currently mainly in Bulgaria and Germany. Since its foundation in June 2011 the community has more than 30 active members, shared more than 300 positive articles, 80 actions and is preparing the start of for-benefit enterprises. It is becoming one of the main sustainability communities in Bulgaria. Some of its members are interested and involved in OSE Europe.

The enterprises that OM is working to create are:

There is an English version, but the valuable content is in Bulgarian for now.


  • Bulgarians and other international people to participate actively in the creation of actions and open and positive enterprises in Bulgaria.

Future Goals

  • Create a working community of committed Bulgarians.
  • Expand OM in Europe.

