HardwareX + PLOS

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HardwareX is the journal of open hardware. This is likely a goldmine for open source collaboration.




Hi Orlando

I am one of the founding editors of HardwareX and I have published several open hardware articles with PLOS One so I can give a good run down.

HardwareX is a journal dedicated to only open hardware with a template based format that ensures that all hardware published with it contains all the files necessary for reproduction in any easy straight forward way. It is backed by Elsevier the largest scientific publisher -- and being on the inside they are really truly backing it - having agreed with our vision that one day (hopefully) every scientific paper comes with a link to the hardware to replicate the experiment.

PLOS One is a much broader journal from the Public Library of Science that will publish any scientific research that is sound (even if it is not novel). It has published a nice amount of open hardware as you note. PLOS One is a good place to submit content if you have a more traditional study using open hardware.

They both are fully open access, but require an APC - For PLOS One it is $1,495 for HardwareX it is $500. For the latter we will waive fees if there is a genuine need (particularly if you qualify for the Research4Life program).

The field of free and open source scientific hardware overall is exploding - and noticeably more difficult to keep up with - for my best attempt at an ongoing lit. review see: Appropedia-OSL (also please feel free to add any papers with links that I missed).

Thanks Joshua



