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Retired Tinker - Endowed Rightsist

retired = live like one has more time than money.
tinker = simplifier of complex things until they work more better.
money = currency is a tool of exchange that from 1787 to 1913 was remarkably stable.
inflation = a way that assets can be stolen.

Moved from Carolina farm where I built solar energy efficient house and shop, ponds, orchard and air strip. Moved to shop with guest rooms in high Virginia Mountains, limestone Karst. Am reinventing Ag building into shop with quest quarters, raising chickens and gardens. Neighbors are mostly cattle ranchers and retirees. Weather here is similar to NW Pennsylvania SW New York Mountains. Planting starts in May.

2 Tim 2:15, 
Edible Landscaping, 
Virginia OathKeepers, 
Team Law,
Norm Economics 

Specific OSE project interest:

rock and soil screening and handling
micro-tractor and attachments
tractor attachments
NiFe Batteries
process controls

Personal OSE related projects:

Spring 2015:

facility for starting garden plants (greenhouse like)*
hand tractor* and accessories (24VDC wheel chair gear motors)
 utility cart (mule)
 seed planter
 fence unroller - stretcher
gravel / soil screen and handling*

Summer 2015:

install 9'x9' overhead door
install loading dock door 4.5'x7'
rocket burner coal / pellet stoker fed space and water heater*
3pt drill rig for well*, posts, sampling, rock breaking, etc
rock breaking tools

Fall 2015:

install stoker fed heat

Long term:

convert CASE Landscape Loader bucket to quick attach*
rock picker / root crop harvester / sod cutter
rock crusher
producer gas-ifier*
various road construction / maintenance attachments 
extremely long life batteries (NiFe)*
  • interests that match specific OSE GVCS projects