Learning Tracks

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Factor e Team - Learning Community

We are accepting people for Dedicated Project Visits (DPV) and other roles. As a learning organization, we are providing crash courses for new people. Each DPV will be guided by one of our staff in fabrication, technical documentation, agriculture, construction, or organizational duties. We are currently developing online training and exam materials. We expect all candidates to study our materials for a preliminary exam during a final interview. Recruiting typically involves an initial application with video (self-made and published to marcin_ose YouTube), an initial screening interview discussing the work plan (recorded), and a final interview including a subject matter test and discussion of outstanding issues. This is followed by the signing of a participation contract. When on-site - Saturdays are reserved for cross training (pairing) or group work as determined by the Factor e Farm Director. Our production manager will also host production runs or other productive endeavors where participants have a chance to bootstrap fund their stay - as determined on an ongoing basis. Our crash courses for on-site participants and cross traininsg run every Saturday from Noon to 6 PM.

  • Fabrication Track - in welding, torching, drilling, basic precision machining (lathe and microlathe operations).
  • Technical Documentation Track - basic course in video editing, soundtrack addition, Google Draw, FreeMind, Sketchup, QCAD, FreeCAD, STL embedding, CAD repository creation, CNX.org, modeling, image manipulation, and GIMP, Skype conference call recording on Linux, 3D scanning, Bill of Materials creation; Exploded Part Diagrams; 3D diagramming; mechanical drafting; basic CAE analysis; video repository creation; wiki culture and editing; data visualization; documentation management; documentation repository creation.
  • Construction Track - using and building with the CEB press; Tractor operation; Sawmill operation; foundations; materials sourcing; wiring and electrical; plumbing; shallow well digging; roof water catchment system; hybrid straw-CEB construction; table saw operation and other power tools; concrete mixing. Construction will involve week-long construction runs of OSE Microhouses - or 350 square foot, 2 person studios with kitchenette and bath.
  • Agriculture Track - gardening (summer and late/early season); field crop produciton; hay baling; land surveying and ground-truthing; mowing; pond digging; raising chickens; orchard maintenance; mulching; microtractor operation; chicken incubation; chainsaw operation (upon demonstrated competency)
  • Community Relations - Flash Mob organization (review, design, CAD, calculations, video editing); community OSE Hackathons (CAD, design, video editing, prototyping), advisory board recruiting; blogging; group conference calls; social media management (twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, facebook); interviewing; main discussion Forum moderation (management thereof)
  • Organizational Track - XM Platform usage; vlogging; resource development; in kind donation solicitation; job posting; business plan writing; strategic development