Long Term Land Access

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Ini the far future, there may be more people and all land may be expensive - even in the United States.

Is that true?

Right now, people don't think there is land access. But, checking on Zillow.com shows plenty of lots. Lots start at $2500 for buildable lots, and farmland at 1400/acre in Mississipi 30 minutes from Memphis. [1], or 1000 Acres in Texas for a million. [2]. Above $1000/acre in Arkansas [3] for 360 acres.

Now, will people populate every nook and cranny and land price will be high? Depends on what we want to have happen. OSE for example could begin landtrusting so that land is not for sale, and house costs remain reasonable for the vast majority of the population.

The key is to retain flexibility and to design sound economic systems which allow people to be mobile and to have choice.