OSE Workshop Testimonials

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HintLightbulb.png Hint: Nice work!



By now you've tasted what OSE workshop is all about, and we'd love to hear your feedback. We'll start recording testimonials after the class today. Please familiarize yourself with the questions below and add your own if you think something else should be covered.

I'll read out the questions for you, please repeat it and then answer is. Pauses are fine, don't feel like you need to rush through, smile, laugh, relax and share your thoughts and feelings. by the magic of editing we'll make it work and make you look good :)

Please open with the following line: "Hi my name is..., I'm from... and I'm here to..."


"Hi my name is..., I'm am an [engineer, teacher, just curious etc.] and I'm here to..."

Top 5 questions

  1. What made you decide to come out to this workshop and how would you describe it?
  2. what have you learned here that excites you?
  3. What surprised you most?
  4. would you recommend this workshop to others?
  5. If you could relay any message to the world, what would it be?

Additional questions

  1. How do you believe opensource hardware will change the world?
  2. Why would you want your parents to learn from a camp like this?
  3. How has this workshop changed your perspective?
  4. How are you going to use what you’ve learned once you get back home?
  5. What is your vision?
  6. Why do you believe its important for people to learn 3D-printing and opensource?
  7. What's opened up for you since you’ve been here?
  8. What do you intend to create while you're here?
  9. How do you believe what we are learning, will challenge artificial scarcity?