Open Source Technical Lettering Machine

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  • An Open Source Replica of a special kind of Pen Plotter that was used in mapmaking, and drafting, to add Technical Labels and Descriptions
  • This was meant to replace stencil like templates and/or Pantographs
  • research done by User:Eric as of now is sparse, but will dig further
    • Due to no pictures of an open device and/or designs as of 3/18/2020 the plan is to make/purchase a Pantograph plotter setup, make it mountable and/or more rigid, the attach stepper motors
    • The IO would most likely be a PC, Keyboard, and perhaps make the device appear as a standard printer/plotter, or do the image to gcode pathway
    • Ultimate aesthetic build would be a 3d printed box with the keyboard (either basic membrane, or VERY mechanical) and old LED display
  • MAY have some use, but really is more so an enthusiast build, a historical piece, etc
  • For research use the main models/brands seem to be:
    • "Max Cadliner"

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