Project Manager application by Leif Thor

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Submitted by Leifur_Thor In response to Factor E Farm Blog posting on 07-26-11 for 3 Project Managers – defined as: overall global/local project management and integration– utilizing the assistance of a global development team to move forward the creation and testing of the GVCS infrastructure at Factor e Farm.

Duties requested, and skills expressed

I would be interested in bidding on this if no one qualified volunteers for this position. Listed below are the duties of the Project Manager, and the first of what would take a few conversations to reach an understanding from my point of view for me to make a clearer bid than what's below.

To lead a creative problem-solving approach towards the execution of GVCS prototypes with the assistance of a diverse group of volunteers. As a teacher, I've always felt it's the job of any teacher to be a mentor instead letting the student find their own ground. Once I know their ground, I push my students to be the best they can be.

In cases where specialized knowledge is requirednd or no volunteers are identified to perform a given task, the duty is to produce results via a bidding process I have a lot of experience bidding and receiving bids over the course of 6 years doing project management and business development. In regards to this position, I'm interested in bidding for this position, having volunteered as long as I can in this dept within OSE, I need to earn compensation from some source, as well as defining clearer boundaries of responsibility, job duties and deliverables.

Preparation of requests for proposals, requests for bids, and bid contracts In my experience, you'll need a whole person for this position alone.

Bid evaluation, assessment of designs, assessment of proposals – for adherence to OSE Specifications This part is the most important, for it's the clarity of the requests, proposals, bids, and contracts that make or break this position. This relates to information architecture, and not only the preparation, but the communications throughput it all goes through.

Awarding of bids, contracts, and other disbursement decision-making regarding GVCS prototype deployment, with approval of Project Director What is the system of approval you use when the Project Director makes his decision?

Researching existing collaboration platforms and available tools – towards defining a scalable, open source product development platform – and documenting/developing this platform towards a replicable development model This should come naturally to the person who would fill this role. I'm hexed with it in spades.

To collaborate with other FeF members on machine design needs Could you please be more specific with how this collaboration is handled, both currently and how you see it in 5 months? I've experienced a lot of co-interest and turn on, but the actual collaboration of me or many of the other people I know volunteering for Open Source Ecology remains a mysterious area where no one seems to know point by point what's happening next and sharing the specific steps to get there.

Within this bid for Project Management (since OSE doesn't hire instead preferring to contract instead), I'd suggest you remove any mentioning of the word apply, application, and replace with bid, or bid requests. I would also like to bid to create that infrastructure which could be used temporarily or permanently.

Thank you considering this Project Manager Bid submission. Mach-CAD-sample.jpg Top view.jpg Wide02.jpg Winter summer.jpg English Island web.jpg TrainStation3.jpg Sun catcher tracking system.gif [1]