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The RCCS commonly spoken about in Proposal 2008 with respect to the 40 or so basic technologies for the creation of replicable, resilient communities marks the entry level economy for post scarcity. It is herein we distinguish it as RCCS I.

This set includes tools for resilience on basic agriculture, energy, housing, transportation, and technology needs. It goes as far as taking scrap metal and reworking it to virgin steel. This goes up to a basic induction furnace with hot processing of metal, followed by CNC machining, to make electromechanical equipment at the cost of scrap steel. This allows one to make engines and hydraulic motors/pumps, and to produce solar-concentrator energy. It included CNC machining to produce just about everything, along with power electronics to produce items such as welders.

RCCS I is marked, in general, by the capacity to build just about any device starting from scrap steel, but having to import most of the electrical and circuit components.

There are, however, much deeper levels of resilient production, where further import substitution occurs for the material items used in resilient communities. Thus - we distinguish RCCS II - import substitution of components. This included the building of all components - precision drives, stepper motors, electrical motors, surface grinding, full automated metallurgical processing to produce all metal feedstock for an advanced economy. CNC machining and other appropriate automation removes material scarcity completely, at the cost of open information and high human skill.

RCCS II involves, in general, the import substitution of many components used in RCCS I.

RCCS III involves the full import substitution on raw feedstocks - via the ability to process and smelt minerals to produce metals, semiconductors, ceramics, rubber, plastics, and all other material feedstocks. This means that advanced civilization may be created from just about any parcel of land, as minerals, sunlight, air, and water are ubiquitous on this planet.

Material post-scarcity implied by the completion of RCCS III provides a solid foundation for changed politics: ending resource conflicts, liquidating politically-ponerological processes, eliminating compensation-for-alienation, pursuing one's true interests, and evolving to freedom (defined as regaining one's autonomy).