Ramin Log

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Wed, Jul 3, 2019

Running Chromebook from FreeCAD Solution: push Chromebook into developer mode and download and install Ubuntu with Crouton then install FreeCAD.

Follow These Instructions: (be ware of the notes below - a mistake I made my first time)

Notes : PART 2 Once in this mode, press Ctrl-D. You will be prompted with an opportunity to "turn OS verification OFF". Press Enter to do so. Don't do anything. Wait and the computer will reboot. Wait through several screens until it shows you Chromebook starting screen.

You can then go on to step 3.

Step 3 will take you all the way to downloading Ubuntu. AFTER DOWNLOADING UBUNTU : you will be asked to set a password. When you are typing your password it will not show your password or even use asterix. As you type your password is being recorded - it is a security feature - don't worry and just type your password then hit enter.

And Step 4 will show you how to switch between Chromebook OS and Ubuntu OS.

After these steps : download a browser and then search for FreeCAD And download it.