Recruiting Announcement Take Two

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Hi, my name is Marcin - founder of Open Source Ecology. This is take 2 of our recruiting announcement - I forgot to emphasize last time that we're here to change the world.

I was born in Poland, came to the States at the time when Tanks were rolling down my streets. My grandmother was in a concentration camp. I thought about this a lot at an early age - about what happens when resources are scarce - and why resource conflicts are the norm.

Then I came to america, and life was in general great. Until I took the red pill.

I've concluded that material security is a foundational achievement that needs to happen in civilization - if we ever dream to take civilization to the next level. That's why I am working on the Global Village Construction Set - an open source took kit - a life size lego set for of the 50 machines that are necessary to build a modern economy.

My promise to the world is to remove barriers to material scarcity by unleashing access to know-how world wide. I believe in producing material security, autonomy and abundance for all.

That to me is the essence of the open source economy - yet to be created. It's an economy where collaboration instead of competitive waste is the norm in business - where innovation is unleashed 10-100 fold - and it's a world without resource conflict and poverty. I believe that the open source economy will be the next economy - and if seize the chance to create it - we will have mutually assured abundance.

This is what drove me to start Open Source Ecology - right after I finished my PhD - and discovered that I was useless.

The plan is simple. Build the tools. Enable eonomies that allow for a modern standard of living to be created with these tools - from local resources - at 2 hours of work per day.

We are regrouping and reorganizing to achieve this. We are recruiting a number of key positions. First - Operations Manager - to take the weight of the world off my back. Second - machine designers and master prototyper to continue with our core mission - prototyping of the Global Village Construction Set. Third, Construction Director - to continue building infrastructure while our machines are put to rigorous field testing.

We are paying $4k/month, but we would really like to find people - who are so accomplished that they would do this work for free. We are looking for experienced professionals called out for an encore performance - of changing the world.

As Steve Jobs said in his recruiting pitch - “Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?"

See also Operations_Manager_Role_Description, Master_Fabricator, Machine Designer, Construction Director Role Description

Emily Review

Hi, my name is Marcin - founder of Open Source Ecology. This is take 2 of our recruiting announcement - I forgot to emphasize last time that we're here to change the world.

I was born in Poland during a pretty tough time, personal and political. My grandmother suffered deeply from being imprisoned in a concentration camp. And by the time I was 7, martial law bared down on all of us. For three years, Tanks rolled down the streets, people were jailed, fear was abundant, food was not. We got lucky. We fled to the US where our lives were so easy by comparison. But when I graduated from Princeton with a PhD in physics I could not get the images of Poland out of my mind - my degree felt useless. My theoretical calculations did not in any way answer the suffering that happens when resources are scarce - or why resource conflicts are the norm.

This is what drove me to start Open Source Ecology - right after I finished my PhD. I concluded that material security is a foundational achievement that needs to happen in civilization - if we ever dream to take civilization to the next level. That's why I am working on the Global Village Construction Set - an open source took kit - a life size lego set for of the 50 machines that are necessary to build a modern economy.

My promise to the world is to remove barriers to material scarcity by unleashing access to know-how world wide. I believe in producing material security, autonomy and abundance for all.

That to me is the essence of the open source economy - yet to be created. It's an economy where collaboration instead of competitive waste is the norm in business - where innovation is unleashed 10-100 fold - and it's a world without resource conflict and poverty. I believe that the open source economy will be the next economy - and if we seize the chance to create it - we will have mutually assured abundance.

The plan is simple. Build the tools. Enable economies that allow for a modern standard of living to be created with these tools - from local resources - at 2 hours of work per day. (the metric is 12 or 14 people - 2 hours per day? Don't wan to leave the whole calculation out.)

We are regrouping and reorganizing to achieve this. We are recruiting a number of key positions. First - Operations Manager - to take the weight of the world off my back. Second - machine designers and master prototyper to continue with our core mission - prototyping of the Global Village Construction Set. Third, Construction Director - to continue building infrastructure while our machines are put to rigorous field testing.

We are paying $4k/month, but we would really like to find people - who are so accomplished that they would do this work for free. We are looking for experienced professionals called out for an encore performance - of changing the world.

As Lech Walesa, (winner of the nobel peace prize and the first democratically elected president of Poland) said, "The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change, the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being."