Susan miller survey

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WHO are you?

  • Name/Nationality/Ethnicity - Susan Miller/US/Anglo-Saxon
  • Location – what is your city and country? Cleveland, Ohio, US
  • Contact Information – millerbowen at
  • Resume/CV – Attach your resume
  • Hobbies and Pastimes- dance, mostly modern, dog, green party politics, history, architecture

WHY are you motivated to support/develop this work?

  • Why are you interested in collaborating with us? It is world changing and will be very very necessary in less than 10 years for everyone.
  • Are you interested in teaching about the GVCS? If only I could - not tech savvy enough.
  • Are you interested in economic relocalization possibilities arising from the GVCS? Yes - Cleveland could be a great place for these technologies - almost at bottom, further to go before we wake up and bounce. Lots of land and old vacant buildings here - we'll have a head start.
  • Do you want to use the GVCS technologies yourself? Do you want to build them yourself? No and yes. I'd rather be in a community who is using them.
  • Are you interested in starting up enterprise using the GVCS technologies? No, thanks.
  • Are you interested in having the GVCS technologies fabricated by your local custom fabricator? Not exactly, but I'd encourage others to try to build these machines from your designs.
  • Are you interested in applying the GVCS to third world development? Not today. To redevelopment of crisis areas? Not yet. To development of derelict areas in the developed world? Well I'd promote it in Cleveland as best I can (they call me "Cassandra")
  • Are you interested in the potential of the GVCS for developing local food systems? Yes.
  • Are you interested in the distributive economic aspects of our work, and if so, how do you see this playing out? Establishment of local chapters building machines from the plans would be a good start.
  • Are you interested in building resilient communities based on access to the GVCS? Well, yes.
  • How do you think that the GVCS can help alleviate the instabilities of global monetary systems? Yes, by undercutting corporations and the retail market.
  • How do you think that the GVCS can address issues related to resource conflicts? By teaching people how to make what they need for themselves.
  • How do you think that the GVCS can address issues of overpopulation? I'm not sure this is possible. I think that will solve itself - grim as that may be as the credit markets cease and infrastructure fails.
  • How do you think that the GVCS can address issues of resource depletion and environmental degradation? Reduce, reuse, recycle. Live on less, use what's here already, re-fabricate old into useful.

WHAT- What can you/have you contributed to the development of OSE? This assesses some of the key contributions that we are looking for with respect to the OSE project. If you answer positively to any of the points, please expand on your experience.

  • What have you already contributed to the OSE project? (technical contributions, blogging about us, financial support, organizing events, translations, interviews, video editing, publications, publicity work, behind-the-scenes work, CAD work, wiki contributions, computer support, etc) Not much - publicizing Marcin's visit to Cleveland and Oberlin online.


  • Are you a Blogger? Let go my blog, just use Facebook now. Vlogger? Have you created marketing materials? Only online. - more PR. What relevant field of communications have we missed that we should be asking about?


  • Do you have experience in public relations? Yes, but not globally or outside my small community. Strategic development? Well, sort of - strategy is making a list of tactics and prioritizing them, assigning tasks and follow up. Not too much to it really. Organizational architecture consulting? Flat is the way to go. No hierarchy. Nonprofit organizations? Yes. I founded and ran one for many years. Public event organizing? 3-4/year for 25 years in the performing arts - small scale. Community organizing? Worked on political campaigns and activism. Public speaking? Not shy. Known to be convincing and strident. Are you a good networker? Yep - pretty good at that.

Computer Support:

  • Are you familiar with open source software? Drupal CMS, sort of. Do you use Linux? Not usually, but I have access to a Linux computer.


  • Do you have experience with resource development? Fundraising, yes.

Home Economics

  • Can you cook? Yes. Can you cook for a group of 20? Probably. Can you grow food? Yes with others. What is your experience in agriculture? Worked on Organic Farm for a season and grow in my yard. Have you done food processing? Only chutney.

HOW can you help?

  • Do you endorse open source culture? Absolutely!
  • How are you interested in contributing to the work of GVCS development? Helping get the board off the ground.
  • Can you volunteer to work with us, and if so, how many hours per week? Yes, about an hour or two hours each week.
  • Are you interested in working with us for pay? We can all stand to be paid, so yes. If so, what services can you offer, and what is your hourly or per-project rate? I can consult on flat organization model (having founded and run one). $15/hour or trade for True Fanness.
  • Are you a True Fan? If not, why not? Haven't written the physical check yet. Will do.
  • Would you like to see yourself working with us on a full-time basis? Not yet.
  • Are you interested in using the technologies that we are developing directly? Not yet.
  • Are you interested in being part of the world's first, open source, resilient community? The GVCS is the preparatory step for the OSE Village Experiment – a 2 year, immersion experiment (2013-2014) for testing whether a real, thriving, modern-day prototype community of 200 people can be built on 200 acres using local resources and open access to information. We are looking for approximately 200 people to fill a diverse array of roles, according to the Social Contract that is being developed. This may be the boldest social experiment on earth - a pioneering community whose goal is to extend the index of possibilities regarding harmonious existence of humans, ecology, and technology – as a beacon of light to benefit of all people on Earth. Possibly. I need to get my son launched.