TOC Howto

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The TOC is in 3 layers.

  • Main
  • Detailed
  • Page-specific

If we want a 1500+ page guide, we have perhaps 10x10x15 or so. This can add up: 20x20x20 That already makes 8,000 pages. Thus, a 3 layer TOC can contain lots of detail, while remaining manageable in 3 clicks.

  • Each person gets the Page-Specific assignment. It may take 2-100 hours per page, depending on richness of the page. Some of such detail is already included in some pages. Overall time budget is 3000 hours min, or absolute minimum of 1.5 human years. The more likely outcome is about 5 human years of documentation effort for collecting what already exists. And more like 50 human years for a level sufficient for Distributed Market Substitution.
  • Priority is Build Cheatsheets -> CAD -> BOM. See Meta Design Process.
  • Second tier of priorities is Diagrams, Enterprise, Detailed Build Instructions.
  • As we keep going, everyone adjusts the TOC
  • This is completely creative: if you don't like something, edit it. This includes protocols of how to do things. The creator controls their creation. At the same time, we all coordinate. If someone vetoes your edit, you have to negotiate. If a protocol is stable, then use it. Stability is determined by how much precedent it has.
  • Common code of conduct is [[OSE Specifications]
  • Common goal - is full detail to help anyone understand the design to the point of making new house models. And before that: to understand how Rosebud is built, how to build it, and how to create an enterprise of any sort that builds Rosebuds as the beachhead product, towards solving housing. Full evolution of product is Distributed Market Substitution of housing, defined as a highly replicable, optimized enterprise that can be successful, for any place in the world using any materials. Rosebud is just locations where dimensional lumber is available.
  • Full evolution involves materials, including lumber, CEB, Solar Steel, Solar Concrete, 3D printed plastic lumber composites, and everything else.
  • Scope is House, Aquaponic Greenhouse, Construction Machines, materials production machines, and any enterprises
  • Meta priority is creation of the open source economy
  • House priority is Rosebud->Construction Set Approach creation for other models-> any other models, prioritizing single family, multiple family, and larger regenerative developments consisting of entire living/working infrastructures, followed by extraterrestrial settlements
  • Systems priorities are on grid/hybrid grid -> off-grid -> fully autonomous including food, fuel, waste processing, vehicle food, microfactory-based home economics
  • Aquaponic greenhouse priorities are family food production -> integrated food and waste management systems -> CSA production, but in all cases highly diversified IPM -> full autonomous with closed loop potable water
  • Construction machines rollout includes microtractor -> tractor with backhoe and auger + implements
  • Production machines include CEB Press with Soil Mixer -> 3D printer for plastic lumber and wall modules -> Sawmill + CNC automation -> Solar Concrete Production -> Solar Steel Production -> bioplastic production -> solar hydrogen production for energy and car fuel
  • Enterprise modules include Core Enterprise Module at the level of a 24 person team.
