Talk:Responsibility on the Part of the Team

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My reaction:

Either get rid of those tasks or automate them away, and maintain dignity for humans.

I think it's possible to maintain dignity while shoveling shit. Telling yourself you are too [_______]
to be engaging in [______] is not the way to love yourself.

Responsibility means Becoming an Adult. Taking responsibility for one's life.

It also means taking responsibility for the dependence we have on other people, processes, and our own 
psychology. Absolute autonomy does not exist on Earth. Recognizing what we depend on and what depends on 
us is a valuable aspect of maturation - making choices based on experience and understanding. 

Our economic life promotes infantile behavior: people working for others, instead of working for their own Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose - are a continuation of slavery.

I don't see these as necessarily mutually exclusive. I can use the current system and still be an 
outsider working for my own mastery and purpose. I do see your point if the employee has no vision beyond
her task. 

I question: why the notion of 'employment' at all?

We grow up learning how to depend on money to acquire the resources we need to survive and meet our 
psychological needs. You have found a way away from that mentality - sort of- so perhaps part of your
responsibility is to show others how they can transcend the employee-employer paradigm. Instead of 
meeting a potential collaborator and holding them to a loosely defined standard and casting them away 
if they do not uphold it, perhaps it is your responsibility to guide them towards that standard, help
them like you would tend for a seedling that you will one day prosper from.

Aidan Williamson (talk) 16:52, 13 December 2014 (CET)