Universal Controller Electronics Test Protocol

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  1. Power supply wired, USB power supply, power to Arduino with RAMPS, LCD connected - LCD posts with correct machine name
  2. Plug in 3 endstops
  3. Plug in power supply plug assembly and connect to power supply
  4. Run signal wire to SSR, andFeed 5V from RAMPS to that signal line
  5. Plug in 2 thermistors
  6. Connect power supply to RAMPS, and feed the fan into the same power terminal
  7. Connect blower
  8. Connect extruder heater
  9. Plug in 5 motors and test Prepare-> Auto Home. The pattern you will observe is X moving until endstop triggered, Y moving until endstop triggered, and Z moving until height sensor triggered. If not triggered, it times out and moves until next step. Note X and Y move fast, Z moves slower. Test pass is when there is solid, continuous motion. Draw a line on the end of motor shaft to see motion clearly, as the shiny shaft does not look like it's spinning.
  10. To test extruder motor, plug motor into X axis to test motor only. This doesn't test the extruder driver.
  11. To test extruder driver, one way to do it is by wiring up the heater block and getting it up to temperature, and Move->Axis->Extruder by 1 mm in the LCD menu. Or, go into Cura and disable low temp lockout on extruder motor - M302 to enable cold extrusion, then run the Extruder through Cura.

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