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I'm just a regular guy, maybe a bit smarter than the average bear, that is interested in developing technologies down non-traditional paths.

I don't consider myself terribly creative, but I think I have a knack for looking at other people's ideas in ways that others have not. That is what I hope will benefit me and, if I can manage it, others.

My real dream isn't to create a new "thing" and make millions of dollars. My real dream is to create a new "thing" and patent it, not to prevent others from using it but to prevent the big companies from patenting it. I would want the use of my idea proliferated to the point that it effectively becomes public domain. The purpose of all this would be to break the default monopolies that many large industries hold, simply because of the economic momentum they wield.

Because of the ripple effect it offers, power production is a main focus of mine. The principles I am most interested in are not obscure or advanced technologies, but rather things that can be build cheaply and work well enough to create options for people that don't have many. I have a background in shipboard power systems, and so might bring some experiences to the table that aren't the norm. I also grew up in an isolated rural community, and so I have views on the nature of self-sufficiency that are not the current norm. I don't expect or even ask people to follow me. But I'd love it if the path I find, eventually, turns out to be a good path for others as well.