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Hi, I'm David.

I grew up in the 60's and 70's with access to my dad's shop, teaching myself many things not-to-do as well as a few good skills. I learned some welding, sandblasting, construction, concrete, laying block, leatherworking basics, a little bit of fine woodwork, and some chemistry.

I was more a breaker than a maker. For example, I bought a riding lawnmower in gradeschool, drove it until it broke, then took it all apart to see how it worked. I never put it back together. I did succeed with building multiple bicycles from parts.

I shifted to maker breaker in high school and tore out a grocery store interior and rebuilt into separate shops for a mini mall. I ran a small crew and we did well. I participated in several house rebuilds from the basement up.

I shifted to computer science in college and solidified myself as a software maker. I wrote some of the earliest career counseling software, and may have written the first such on the then new microcomputers. I went on in computer science to get my BA, MS, and PhD as well as to work for research companies, especially artificial intelligence. I shifted after the PhD into education and taught in college and then became an administrator.

I finally back around to woodworking and software, and would love to do more with OSE as my time allows. Is there a chapter near Colorado Springs, where I live?
