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Architecture drop out who switched to physics, graduated 2004. Worked as a sysadmin, programmer, and teacher later. In the mid nineties I was introduced to Linux and the concept of open source. In 2010, I developed the Reality Builder concept, collaborative construction out of blocks, directed via the Internet. A proof of concept with about 60 large wooden blocks has been realized at Chaos Communication Camp 2015. When checking the name Reality Builder online, I found a talk by Neil Gershenfeld. This introduced me to digital fabrication. This made me become a member of Open Design City, the first maker space in Berlin. Since 2010 I have been member of various maker and hacker spaces.

2020 and the beginning of 2021 I spent in Hong Kong at Dim Sum Labs, one of my favorite spaces since it's completely community run. There is no hierarchy, no budget, not even a bank account. Members do what they see fit, we got the rent together each month, and it just works.

Having designed various household size products in these spaces, and having done art, I would like to upgrade to architectural scale.