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You say middleman like it's a bad thing! I'm currently a salesman working in wholesale luxury goods and an organizer working with local non-profits and collectives to address hunger in my community. I take great pleasure in acting as the social hydraulic coupling between collaborators working from radically different positions who want to achieve shared goals. My experience with Amazon in logistics and process optimization has given me a model for breaking down complex problems into manageable pieces. In my work life, I've gained success starting new hobbyist organizations around the market I work in and networking them together with established ones to help them grow. I'm a long time open source advocate of the open source model and absolutely fascinated by the implications OSE presents for hardware and the potential it has to address poverty.

For the sake of clarity and creating a living document in the hopes of future collaboration on my plan, I've created a separate page for my proposal for solving the challenges set forward for the Event Planner at Joe's_Proposal

Expect this page to be updated further in the next few days.