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Kostas Latoufis is an electrical and electronic engineer with a specialization in off-grid renewable energy systems. He is a researcher in the Smart Grids Research Unit (SmartRUE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and is currently pursuing his PhD on open source hardware locally manufactured small wind turbine technology. He has co-founded the Rural Electrification Research Group (RurERG) of the NTUA which is an interdisciplinary research group providing open source technical solutions on small wind and pico-hydro systems for rural energy access and implements international development projects in Central America and East Africa. He is a co-founder of Nea Guinea, a non-profit organization which practices popular education and permaculture design for developing the self-reliance and resilience of people and communities in Greece. With Nea Guinea he has a taught many design and hands-on courses in renewable energy systems, and has installed several solar, wind and hydro powered electricity systems for rural projects. He is a member of the executive board of the Wind Empowerment association, a global network for the promotion of locally manufactured small wind turbines.